Fifth Meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

17-18 October, 2018, Hamburg, Germany GAML participants will be expected to: Receive updates on UN and Education 2030 processes and the Technical Co-operation Group’s fourth meeting (TCG 4) regarding development indicators, as well as recommendations regarding reporting and capacity development with identification of the action items that have implication for GAML work programme; Receive updates […]

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Consensus Building Meeting on Proficiency Levels

10-11 September 2018, Paris, France The consensus building meeting addressed the following: The number of proficiency levels when addressing a country’s progress in achieving SDG 4.1.1; The policy proficiency level descriptors (PLDs) for each educational level; and The performance level descriptors for reading and mathematics for each of the educational levels. Working documents: Agenda Concept […]

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Fourth Meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

28-29 November 2017, Madrid, Spain The fourth GAML meeting: Received updates on UN and Education 2030 processes regarding development indicators, as well as recommendations regarding reporting and capacity development with identification of the action items that have implications for the GAML work programme; Discussed and endorsed GAML governance and priorities in organization and communication; Reviewed […]

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Expert Meeting on SDG Indicator 4.6.1

7-8 November 2017, Paris, France In support of GAML, the UIS convened experts on functional literacy and numeracy to address measurement issues in producing data for Indicator 4.6.1. In particular, the goal was to produce a conceptual framework to enable comparison of results across countries and a concrete definition of “proficiency levels”. Experts thus presented […]

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Expert Meeting on SDG Indicator 4.2.1

27 October 2017, Washington, DC, United States The expert group on Indicator 4.2.1 met to discuss an interim measurement strategy before the new Early Childhood Development Indicator is finalised and data are available to monitor progress. The strategy is to include a conceptual framework, methodological framework and reporting framework for interim reporting on children who […]

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Second Meeting of Cross-National Assessments: Linking and Comparability

21-22 September 2017 Hamburg, Germany In support of GAML, the UIS invited the directors of all regional and international learning assessments to resolve the measurement issues needed to improve the coverage and comparability of data to produce SDG Indicator 4.1.1. In particular, the UIS explored ways to link assessments and ensure the global comparability of […]

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Third Meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

11-12 May 2017, Mexico City The third GAML meeting focused specifically on the: Governance structure which basically includes a small Secretariat hosted by the UIS, a strategic planning committee and a series of Task Forces responsible for technical recommendations that are submitted to the plenary for endorsement; New tools being developed to better capture data […]

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Second meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

17-18 October 2016, Washington, DC The second GAML meeting focused specifically on the: Implementation of the SDG 4 global and thematic indicators; Methodological work underpinning the proposed versions of the International Code of Practices for Learning Assessments, the Global Framework for Reference, and the UIS Catalogue of Learning Assessments; Developments related to the learning scale; […]

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First meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

11 May 2016, Washington, DC The first GAML meeting focused specifically on building consensus on a pragmatic approach to generate comparable measures for Targets 4.1, 4.2 and 4.6 by building on existing efforts and knowledge. Additional Resources Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (PDF) First meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning – Concept Note (PDF) UIS […]

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