By Silvia Montoya, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS).
Better Data = Better Policies
This is a busy but exciting time at the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), where we are getting ready to provide you with more country-level and timely data on all levels of education. On 28 February, we will be updating our global education database.
While the global numbers and regional averages will not change, we will be releasing more data from countries so that you have a more complete picture of the education situation facing children, youth and adults the world over.
With this data release, we want to encourage countries, donors, international organizations and engaged citizens – to make the case for education at the next High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, which will meet this July and discuss global progress in education. Even the most basic data show that we are far from the goal of ensuring that every child is in school and learning by 2030. Continue reading →