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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Key populations, key responses: a gap analysis for key populations and HIV in South Africa, and recommendations for the National Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS, STIs and TB (2012-2016)

    In June 2011, South Africa signed the United Nations Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS: Intensifying our Efforts to Eliminate HIV/AIDS which explicitly outlined commitment for all UN member states to address the inadequacy of HIV prevention strategies, focusing on men who have sex with men (MSM), injecting drug users (IDU) and sex workers (SW) and to improve access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services for migrant populations. …

  2. Barbados national HIV prevention plan

    The revised HIV Prevention Plan builds on the existing World Bank's submission of the Draft Prevention Plan of Action (November 28, 2008) and seeks to integrate programme components that are strategically relevant, based on discussions with stakeholders and review of the existing core documents. Following the World Bank Mission of June 22-26, 2009, the prevention planning process continued with the goal of producing a blueprint for a comprehensive response to HIV (for the period 2008-2013) with a focus on priority populations that practice risky behaviours. …

  3. Behavior Change Communication Strategy for HIV Prevention in the Maldives: the Global Fund Supported Programme in the Maldives

    This BCC strategy has been developed based on comprehensive audience research, and it follows on and is linked to two companion documents: The 2008 Biological and Behavioral Survey on HIV and AIDS in the Republic of Maldives, and Konme Kamevves Vedhaane - a Comprehensive Audience Analysis for HIV Risk in the Maldives, August, 2009. These two studies were conducted by the Global Fund Supported Team in the Maldives, in collaboration with its partners, the CCHDC (then DPH), DDPRS (then NNCB), SHE and NGO Journey. …

  4. 5th AIDS Medium Term Plan (2011- 2016): the Philippine Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS

    The Philippines has maintained a low prevalence rate in HIV and AIDS. With the current spike in the number of reported cases, however, the country may not be able to keep it at the present level. There is growing evidence that the next Country Response to HIV and AIDS must catch up with, if not overtake, the spread of the epidemic at its present rate. …

  5. 3rd national strategic plan for HIV and AIDS response 2011-2015

    Bangladesh responded early and decisively to the potential threat of HIV. In the period since the adoption of the first national strategy in 1985, services have been established and scaled up, particularly for Most At Risk Populations (MARPs). Most female sex workers and People Who Inject Drugs (PWID)) are in contact with services. Among developing countries, Bangladesh (based on recent population size estimations) has achieved among the highest level of needle/syringe distribution per PWID among developing countries in the world. …

  6. Ineffectiveness of AIDS education and HIV antibody testing in reducing high-risk behaviors among injection drug users

    This study assessed the effectiveness of education in reducing high-risk HIV-related behaviors in 313 injecting drug users. Participants were recruited and high risk behavior evaluated at baseline and four months following intervention, based on a structured interview. Participants were allocated to one of three groups: AIDS education, AIDS education with optional HIV testing, or a wait list. While no significant differences in high risk behaviors were found between the different arms of the study, overall the entire sample decreased its high risk behavior.

  7. Behavioral Outcomes of AIDS Educational Interventions for Drug Users in Short-Term Treatment

    This study compares the behavioral impact of informational vs enhanced small-group educational interventions among 407 drug users in a 21-day detoxification and rehabilitation program in Massachusetts, U.S.A. Sexual and drug-related behavior were analyzed using logistic regression at a follow-up visit after the program. Among users at lower risk, the enhanced approach was more effective at reducing injection-related risks associated with HIV transmission. Among users at higher risk, the informational approach was more effective. …

  8. Effects of drug relief hospital-based AIDS educational methods on drug users

    This study aimed to identify effective methods to train medical personnel to educate drug users on HIV prevention. One hundred and sixty-one participants from 13 provinces were recruited at a drug relief hospital in Beijing, China. Average age was about 35.21 years, years of drug addiction was 7, and number of drug relief treatments received in past was 5.5. Participants knowledge of HIV transmission and prevention was tested before and after the HIV awareness training. Results show that there was a statistically significant increase in knowledge on these issues after education. …

  9. The perspectives of injection drug users regarding safer injecting education delivered through a supervised injecting facility

    Unsafe injection practices can lead to HIV and HCV transmission as well as other bacterial and viral infections. Vancouver established North America's first supervised injection facility (SIF) to address such harms among injecting drug users (IDU). This study looks at their experiences receiving safer injecting education within the SIF. Through semi-structured, qualitative interviews, the experiences of 50 IDU were collected. Their testimonies indicate that gaps in knowledge exist among local IDU, often leading to unsafe injecting. …

  10. The Role of Nonformal Education in Combating the HIV Epidemic in the Philippines and Taiwan

    This study compares the approaches of Taiwan and the Philippines in mitigating their HIV epidemics using non-formal educational programs. The Philippines has an HIV prevalence of 6,000-11,000 cases out of a population of 91 million. Their approach was to target female sex workers and their managers, before expanding to men in the community, and relying heavily on NGOs to provide sex education. Taiwan was a prevalence of 40,000 cases out of a 23 million person population. …

  11. Pasa la Voz (Spread the Word): Using Women's Social Networks for HIV Education and Testing

    Pasa la Voz (spread the word) is a methodology used to prevent HIV using respondent-driven sampling to reach hard to access women. An organization in Ciudad Juarez (Programa Companeros) initiated a one-to-one approach to reaching at-risk and hard to reach women in the area using promotoras (outreach workers) from September 2005 to January 2006. The implementation of Pasa la Voz came on its heels and had success in increasing the number of women agreeing to get tested for HIV (11.9% to 49.9%) and decreasing testing time from 22.70 hours to 3.68 hours per test.

  12. Drug Use Survey 2010 Sarpoza Prison, Kandahar, Afghanistan: Assessment of drug use levels and associated high risk behaviours amongst the prison population of Sarpoza Prison, Kandahar

    This evaluation aims to assess the levels of drug use and associated high-risk behaviours in the prison population of Sarpoza Prison, Kandahar, in order to inform the subsequent planning and provision of prison-based and community-based (prison aftercare) treatment and harm reduction service delivery.

  13. Assessment: legal and regulatory framework affecting treatment and services for most-at-risk populations in Ghana

    In recognition of the importance of an enabling legal and policy environment that supports MARPs and their access to services, the Ghana AIDS Commission requested that the United States Agency for International Development - supported Health Policy Initiative conduct a qualitative assessment to develop an understanding of the current legal and policy framework for MARPs. An enabling environment reduces stigma and discrimination (S&D;) against MARPs, protects their rights, and ensures that they have access to needed services. …

  14. Good Practice in Asia: Targeted HIV Prevention for IDU and Sex Workers

    This document aims to present the major achievements of Preventing HIV Project targeted in Vietnam, including case studies and lessons to be shared. It illustrates the involvement of local government, support to policy change, local innovative practices and behavioral changes among high risk populations, particularly injecting drug users and sex workers. The descriptions of practical examples are aimed at the rising numbers of providers of HIV prevention services. The project and paper reflect the good cooperation between Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC), U.K. …

  15. Guidance on Testing and Counselling for HIV in Settings Attended by People Who Inject Drugs - Improving Access to Treatment, Care and Prevention

    This document offers basic operational guidance on HIV testing and counseling in settings attended by people who inject drugs (PWID). It is intended for a wide audience, including policy-makers, HIV/AIDS programme planners and coordinators,care providers, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) providing services for HIV-related conditions, and civil society groups. This document recommends a proactive approach to HIV testing and counseling by care providers in these settings. It includes simplified pre-test information consistent with WHO and UNAIDS policy.


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