We help strengthen the capacity of countries to plan and manage their education systems for a more equal
and sustainable future.
StoriesThe right to a quality education: a shared responsibility among local actors in Grigny, France06.06.2019
Just publishedInnovating teacher careers in New York City04.06.2019
EventsData Dive webinar #2: finding the missing link in making schools inclusive for children with disabilities04.06.2019
EventsTechnical Round Table: Inclusion of children with disabilities in education sector planning in French-speaking Africa04.06.2019
EventsThe International Forum on TVET in Latin America04.06.2019
InterviewThe education inspector, a key partner in local educational communities29.05.2019
WorkshopEnsuring a gender perspective throughout IIEP’s work29.05.2019
Monday 30 September 2019
Friday 1 November 2019