About Us

Established in 2016, the Technical Cooperation Group on the Indicators for SDG 4 - Education 2030 (TCG) provides a platform to discuss and develop the indicators used to monitor the Education 2030 Agenda in an open, inclusive and transparent manner.

The TCG is composed of 38 regionally-representative members of Member States, multilateral agencies and civil society groups as well as the Co-Chair of the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee. The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) hosts the TCG Secretariat.

The TCG has created three working groups to address issues related to the implementation of the thematic indicators and provide recommendations. The TCG works in tandem with the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning(GAML) to make recommendations on indicator development, capacity development, and data reporting.

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Key TCG Objectives

a. Finalize and maintain the thematic indicator framework for the follow-up and review of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) and the Education 2030 Agenda. The framework will contain the indicators selected for global monitoring of SDG 4 by the IAEG-SDGs and agreed by the UN Statistical Commission, taking account of any periodic revisions to the global indicators between 2016 and 2030;

b. Support the work of the IAEG-SDGs, relevant regional bodies and countries related to the implementation of the global and thematic monitoring framework and the design of regional monitoring frameworks, and assure the coherence of those processes;

c. Provide inputs to guide the production of technical documentation needed for the clear communication of the thematic indicators to monitor SDG 4 - Education 2030;

d. Inform the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee on the implementation of the thematic indicator framework, providing the necessary inputs to assess periodically their coverage, limitations and the potential for better alternatives when new methodologies are developed or data sources identified; and

e. Regularly review methodological developments and issues related to the thematic education indicators and their metadata.

Working Groups

The TCG established three working groups to make recommendations on indicator development, capacity development, and data reporting. For SDG 4 indicators onlearning outcomes and skills, GAML has established six task forces, organized by target (4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6 and 4.7) and another task force on assessment implementation and capacity development. Members of the TCG Working Groups and GAML Task Forces work collectively via emails, conference calls, and the UNESTEAMS online collective workspace.

Working Groups


This groupoversees the elaboration of the definitions and methodologies of the indicators requiring further methodological development (as identified by the TCG). It will also examine the potential development of new indicators identified by the TCG.


This group develops guidelines and compiles relevant tools that can assist countries to identify their data needs/gaps, and assess their capacities to collect relevant data. It is also expected to help harmonise capacity development efforts.


This group establishes guidelines and procedures for the reporting of data by countries to international organizations, processes for validation of the resulting indicators, and policies for the dissemination of indicators. The work aims to ensure transparency in the reporting process and improve efficiency in data submission, publication anduse.


For learning outcomes or skills related indicators, the UIS has established the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) to develop the methodologies and tools needed by countries to strengthen their assessments while reporting on learning outcomes and skills internationally. GAML has created six task forces to support this methodological work.
See Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML)


The TCG Secretariat created an online platform for members of the working groups to have virtual meetings, exchange ideas, and comment on technical documents. The platform also provides relevant resources and documents to faciliate their work.