Copyright and permissions

Copyright Notice

Unless otherwise indicated, IIEP’s Publications and all content contained within is

©UNESCO. All rights reserved.

What can you do with IIEP published content (data, text and multimedia information)?

IIEP encourages the use of its content (textual, statistical, and multimedia). You can copy, download or print content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from IIEP publications, databases and multimedia products in your own documents, presentations, blogs, websites and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgment of IIEP as source and copyright owner is given. You should cite the Title of the material, © IIEP, publication year (if available) and page number or URL (uniform resource locator) as applicable.

All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to Please see below detailed information to help you formulate such requests:

Reproducing IIEP Content

Permission to reproduce IIEP published material, products and services in publications for sale, commercial teaching materials or commercial websites should be addressed to Please send us your request using the following form:


Request for permission


1. We require permission to reproduce :

Full Title of the publication concerned:


Publication Date:

ISBN (if any):

Exact pages / charts / data to be reproduced:

Will you translate the material? If yes, into which language?


2. Details of final publication



Number of pages*:

Provisional publication date:

Publisher’s name, address:

Print run*:

Public price*:

If published online:

Duration of permission



About you:
Full address:



* even if approximate



Copyright of a Third Party

The permission to reproduce IIEP protected material does not extend to any material whose copyright is identified as belonging to a third party. Authorization to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.


Translating IIEP Publications

  • Requests for translation rights should be submitted to Please give us the following information:
  • Translation request
  • Title and ISBN of the IIEP publication you wish to translate.
  • Your full co-ordinates (company name, contact name and title, e-mail, phone, fax, address).
  • The full co-ordinates for the agreement (company name and full address, signatory's name and title).
  • Language for which you are requesting rights.
  • Will you be printing a book, publishing an electronic version, producing a CD? List all the formats in which you have interest.
  • If you request a license for not-for-profit purposes, please state it and give us your print run and expected publication date.
  • If you request a license for commercial purposes, please give us your print run, likely selling price, distribution and marketing plans and expected publication date. We will calculate the royalties rate and get back to you with a draft agreement.


Co-publishing with IIEP

IIEP seeks publishers (private publishers, universities, other international organisations, government agencies) to offer access to specialised readership to IIEP publications. If you are interested in a partnership with IIEP, please contact us at


Contact the Rights and Permissions Unit

Fax: +33 (0)1 40 72 83 66
Mail address:
7-9 Rue Eugène Delacroix
75116 Paris