i am a migrant is a campaign and platform. We create a place for the personal stories of migrants. We want to challenge the anti-migrant...
“Neighbours, friendship, and families. That’s what you see all around you,” said Mukhtar Seyit Ahmet Kanar of Fezi Paşa Neighborhood to IOM organizers at an iftar dinner in Nizip district just an hour outside of the southeastern province of Gaziantep. Steeped in history and tradition, the way iftar dinners are carried out in Turkey has changed significantly over the centuries.
This week (6-12 May) is United Nations Global Road Safety Week, dedicated to raising awareness worldwide about road safety.
Beira, Mozambique — Munhava Matope, on the outskirts of Beira, Mozambique’s second largest city, is what is often described by outsiders as a “marginal” community. Nonetheless, few who visit would likely object to using harsher terms like “shanty town,” “favela” or “slum.”
Migration scored with film audiences in 2018 as films like “Roma,” “Capernaum,” “Cold War,” “Lifeboat,” and “Bohemian Rhapsody” all touched on themes of human mobility and were recognized for Oscar nominations for their acting, direction, writing
Mohamed, newly-arrived from Libya, recalls how he ended up stuck in a detention centre not long after leaving home.
"While young people are right to be impatient at my generation, we must work together if we are to tackle the challenges we face. All of us have responsibilities — young and old," said Ms.