IIEP Strategic Debates
This annual event series brings an array of international education experts to IIEP to debate salient issues in education. In 2019, the theme is dedicated to breaking barriers in education. Speakers will explore questions such as, what will it take to remove all barriers and finally get all children and youth learning? What kinds of collaboration, innovation, and evidenced-based planning and policy-making can finally open the door to equal opportunity in education for all? The debates take place in Paris, France, at IIEP, in either English or French with simultaneous interpretation. All debates are also livestreamed online and available on our website and on YouTube after the event.
Watch our debates
Research seminars with AFD and IEP-UNESCO
IIEP and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) organize a series of research seminars for an opportunity to share current research, ideas, approaches and findings for educational development.
See the seminars