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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. National policy on HIV, STI's and TB for learners, educators, school support staff and officials in all primary and secondary schools in the basic education sector

    The Department of Basic Education National Policy on HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Tuberculosis 2017 was developed through a participatory consultative process with stakeholders inside and outside the Basic Education sector. The Policy presents a bold new vision for the sector, to drive the response on HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) as well as Tuberculosis.

  2. Sexual and reproductive health services and peer education at Mnambithi TVET College: a rapid assessment

    This study essentially aimed to establish if there is a peer education programme at Mnambithi TVET College focusing on SRH and HIV prevention and whether the services rendered are adolescent and youth friendly. It therefore investigated the status of these two factors, identified gaps and proposed solutions. The report begins with a brief discussion of what the study was about, how it was conceptualised and what it aimed to achieve. It then provides a background of what adolescent and youth friendly services and peer education are highlighting the relevance of this study. …

  3. Youth-friendly HIV prevention and SRHR programmes and services at post-schooling institutions: a review of the literature

    The objective of this literature review was to provide a background to the current context relating to the provision of comprehensive and integrated youth-friendly SRHR and HIV prevention services to students at post-schooling institutions in South Africa and in the Eastern Cape. …

  4. HIV knowledge, attitudes and behaviours: The situation at technical, vocational education and training (TVET) colleges in South Africa

    The HSRC 2012 population-based survey of national HIV prevalence, incidence and behaviour reported that there were approximately 469 000 new HIV infections in 2012 (Shisana et al. 2014). More than one-third of these infections (192 000) were among young people in the 15–24 years age group, with females accounting for 90% of new infections. Among those 25 years and older, 300 000 new infections were estimated, with the highest number of infections among females (175 000) compared to males (125 000). …

  5. Situational analysis on the status of sexual and reproductive health of students and gender-based violence in technical and vocational colleges in Malawi

    UNESCO commissioned a study to conduct a situational analysis on the status of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of students and gender-based violence (GBV) in technical and vocational colleges (TVCs) in Malawi operating under the Technical, Entrepreneurship and Vocational (TEVET) system. The methodology comprised of a desk review, survey, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. …

  6. Relationship between teachers’ attitude towards teaching HIV/AIDS education and students’ knowledge and attitude towards sexual behaviour in secondary schools in Coast Region, Kenya

    The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ attitude towards teaching HIV/AIDS education and students’ knowledge and attitude towards sexual behaviour in secondary schools in the Coast Region of Kenya. The study used descriptive survey research design. The samples comprised 421 respondents of which 33 were teachers and 388 students in 13 secondary schools. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used to collect the data. The validity of the instruments was checked by the supervisors and other experts in the field of research. …

  7. Stratégie nationale en santé des adolescent(e)s/jeunes au Sénégal

    Le but de la stratégie nationale est de contribuer à améliorer la santé en général, la santé de la reproduction en particulier, et le bien-être des adolescent(e)s/jeunes. Trois objectifs généraux sont retenus: 1. Améliorer l’accès des adolescent(e)s/jeunes à des services adaptés à leurs besoins; 2. Aider les adolescent(e)s/jeunes à adopter des comportements responsables et à prendre des décisions adéquates; 3. Créer un environnement social, législatif et réglementaire favorable à la promotion de la santé des adolescent(e)s/jeunes en général et de la santé de la reproduction en particulier.

  8. Reproductive Health Survey Russia 2011: executive summary

    Specific objectives of the RURHS11 were: to assess current levels and trends in fertility, abortion, contraception, and various other reproductive health indicators; to enable policy makers, program managers, and researchers to evaluate existing reproductive health programs and develop new strategies; to study factors that affect fertility, contraceptive use, and maternal and infant health, such as geographic and sociodemographic factors, breastfeeding patterns, use of induced abortion, and availability of family planning services; to identify characteristics of women at increased risk of uni …

  9. Rethinking HIV-prevention for school-going young people based on current behaviour patterns

    The aim of the research was to gain increased knowledge regarding the sexual risk behaviour of school-going young people in South Africa after two decades of HIV-education in schools, to contribute to the development of improved HIV prevention strategies. In collaboration with the Department of Education, a sample of 5305 learners (between 10 and 18 years in Grades 5–12) from high-risk communities were identified. …

  10. Picture that: supporting sexuality educators in narrowing the knowledge/practice gap

    Teaching about sex and relationships is one of the greatest challenges in not only the combating of HIV and AIDS, but also in preparing the youth for responsible sexual behaviour. Although it seems as if teachers to some extent do feel comfortable with the teaching of sexuality education at school, the question however remains as to whether youth get the information they require. In this article, are presented drawings produced by teacher participants in order to investigate the beliefs that teachers hold regarding young people’s needs from sexuality education. …

  11. National HIV, AIDS and STI strategic plan 2017-2023 "On fast-track to ending AIDS"

    The National Strategic Plans guide the HIV/AIDS and STI response in the country. The period of the NSP III is 2017- 2023, to synchronize with the implementation of the 12th Five Year National Development Plan. NSP III implementation will be reviewed during the midyear of its implementation (2020) for relevance and effectiveness in achieving the targets, and will be adjusted as necessary. …

  12. A sexual and reproductive health peer education programme for girls in grades 7 to 9. Mentor’s manual

    This sexual and reproductive health (SRH) peer education programme was developed as part of the Department of Basic Education’s (DBE) Leveraging Partnerships to Achieve the Goals of South Africa’s HIV & AIDS and STI National Strategic Plan 2012–16, otherwise known as Keeping Girls in School. The aim of this component of the programme is to shift social norms and change sexual behaviour by reinforcing and supporting the SRH messages received via the curriculum in order to increase retention and reduce the risk of HIV infection and teenage pregnancy.

  13. Investigating risky sexual behaviours among youth in the context of the HIV epidemic in Mbeya region, Tanzania

    Mitigating HIV and AIDS among youth has been a major policy agenda both internationally and nationally, within Tanzania. Two concerns associated with mitigation efforts are increasing sexual activity at young ages and a burgeoning population of out-of-school youth whom poverty, lack of supervision, and unemployment seem to push into alternative life patterns that present risks to their health. This situation poses a serious challenge for Tanzania, where half the population is categorised as young.

  14. Life skills as a behaviour change strategy in the prevention of HIV and AIDS: perceptions of students in an open and distance learning institution

    The prevention of HIV and AIDS, especially amongst young people, is very important, as they are the future leaders. South Africa carries a high burden of the HIV and AIDS disease, and efforts at the prevention of the disease need to be intensified. University students are also at risk, and prevention efforts need to be intensified to ensure that students graduate and enter the world of work to become productive citizens. Failure to pay attention to preventative behaviour amongst university students may have negative socio-economic consequences for the country. …

  15. Evaluación de la implementación de la declaración ministerial “Prevenir con educacion” 2012. Del acuerdo a la accion; avances en Latinoamerica y el Caribe

    Este documento es el resultado de un esfuerzo conjunto de la sociedad civil para dar seguimiento a la Declaración Ministerial, “Prevenir con Educación” (DM), aprobada por representantes de los Ministerios de Salud y Educación de América Latina y el Caribe en el marco de la XVII Conferencia Internacional sobre el Sida llevada a cabo en la Ciudad de México en agosto de 2008. …


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