Save the date for Literacy Day on 8 September! Join us in promoting literacy in the Year of Indigenous languages! In increasingly globalized, digitalized and multilingual societies, literacy and quality education are crucial for including all young people and adults. This year, we will highlight ‘Literacy and multilingualism’.
Learn more here:
“Samarkand is a treasure born of the encounter between the Persian, Indian, Chinese and Turkish worlds. Uzbekistan is the guardian of this universal legacy: it is a blessing as well as a responsibility before humanity."
UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay visited Uzbekistan to reinforce cooperation on safeguarding the country's World Heritage sites: #WorldHeritage #Uzbekistan
The history of Africa is the history of humankind. Learning its roots is vital in navigating today’s world. Yesterday’s lessons will be a catalyst for peace in the Biennale of Luanda this September by bringing together the African continent and its diaspora.
➡️ #BiennaleLuanda2019 #GeneralHistoryOfAfrica #UNESCO4Peace #Africa4Peace
117 countries and territories still allow child marriage, jeopardizing their fundamental right to education and silencing their dreams. GEM Report Unesco urges to remove these barriers! Laws MUST ban child marriage and enable pregnant students to go to school.
Learn more: #HerEducationOurFuture
Water scarcity is one of the greatest challenges of our time, already affecting every continent. With Water use growing globally at more than twice the rate of population increase in the last century, sustainable water management is more important than ever and we're #LeavingNoOneBehind:
"One can see the demons re-appear, the masks of traditional antisemitism (...) We need to mercilessly combat antisemitism & racism in all possible ways" - Robert Badinter. It is time to show that we are #StrongerThanHate. It is time to #EndAntiSemitism. Learn more:
Video produced by USC Shoah Foundation.
Linguistic diversity faces the challenges of globalization & digitalization. But literacy learning in the mother-language of the learner because it has proven to be the best way to acquire literacy skills. It is also a way to preserve and protect minority languages and cultural diversity.
It’s time we protect every language worldwide! #LiteracyDay
Did you know it was possible to relocate a 31,000 ton temple? Watch and witness the most ambitious heritage rescue in history! Learn the full story: #AbuSimbel #WorldHeritage
"The climate and ecological crisis is a global crisis, and the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced (…) We need to stand together and support each other and take action - because otherwise it might be too late." - Greta Thunberg. This is the fight of our lives. Let's take #ClimateAction now!
"We need to stand together and support each other and take action - because otherwise it might be too late."
Welcome to New York Greta Thunberg! We look forward to seeing Greta and other young people from around the world at the UN for next month's Youth #ClimateAction Summit.
About 40% of the global population does not have access to education in the language they speak or understand. Discover why the focus of this year’s Literacy Day is Literacy and Multilingualism: #LiteracyDay #Literacy
We want YOU to join UNESCO this September! The upcoming Partners Forum - Alliance for Africa is an invitation to current and potential partners to work together with UNESCO on its programmes to promote peace and sustainable development through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. The Partners Forum is the highlight of the Luanda Biennale, the Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace, to be held from 18 to 22 September in Angola. This will be an opportunity to engage with UNESCO on flagship projects with already recognized impact. Join UNESCO and benefit from its influence and international reputation.
Register now #BiennaleLuanda2019
Bored and struggling from post-vacation blues?
Travel to new horizons and learn about humanity's #CulturalHeritage with the latest issue of the #WorldHeritage Review! Check it out here 👉
On this day in 1963, Martin Luther King Jr changed the world with his dream.
King Jr saw humanity as a whole united by unyielding links of fraternity and common destiny, as he stated in his famous “I have dream” speech (28 August 1963). Today we pay tribute to his invaluable contribution to peaceful coexistence and dignity for all human beings, regardless of their race, sex, religion or social status.
Martin Luther King Jr was not a dreamer, but he knew how to inspire people dream, and he sacrificed his life so that the dreams of hundreds of thousands of people around the world could be fulfilled. And you? What is your dream?
On this occasion, we would like to invite you to read more about Martin Luther King Jr in The Unesco Courier:
#OnThisDay #MartinLutherKingJr #LutherKing #History #HumanRights #Freedom #Equality #UNESCO #IhaveAdream #UNESCOCourier
There are 7,000 languages spoken worldwide. Yet, only 5% are present on the internet. On Literacy Day 2019, it’s time that the international community rethinks learning practices related to literacy and multilingualism. More info: #LiteracyDay #Literacy
We are seeing a strong appeal to the international community to support the countries of the Amazon to fight against the fires, and then to work towards reforestation.
-- UN Secretary-General António Guterres to press at G7.
The Central Amazon Conservation Complex World Heritage site is the largest protected area in the Amazon Basin (+6M ha), one of the world’s richest regions in terms of biodiversity and home for key threatened species. For our planet and for future generations, it is our duty to make the most to protect our heritage. More info: #WorldHeritage #ProtectHeritage
Video credits - Source: UNESCO TV / © TBS. Produced by TBS
Supported by Sony.
Marine pollution is literally poisoning our Ocean and @UNESCO's Marine World Heritage sites are in danger too! In the Wadden Sea, people and litter experts are working together to turn the tide. Discover how:
"[Antisemitism] it is a monster with billions of heads"
Holocaust survivor Fay Vidal wrestles with the complexities of antisemitism.
It is time to show that we are #StrongerThanHate. It is time to #EndAntisemitism.
Learn what you can do️ to end antisemitism:
...Video produced by USC Shoah Foundation