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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Hidden from health: structural stigma, sexual orientation concealment, and HIV across 38 countries in the European MSM Internet Survey

    Objective: Substantial country-level variation exists in prejudiced attitudes towards male homosexuality and in the extent to which countries promote the unequal treatment of MSM through discriminatory laws. The impact and underlying mechanisms of country-level stigma on odds of diagnosed HIV, sexual opportunities, and experience of HIV-prevention services, needs and behaviours have rarely been examined, however. Design: Data come from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS), which was administered between June and August 2010 across 38 European countries (N = 174 209). …

  2. Sexual health, human rights and the law

    This report demonstrates the relationship between sexual health, human rights and the law. Drawing from a review of public health evidence and extensive research into human rights law at international, regional and national levels, the report shows how states in different parts of the world can and do support sexual health through legal and other mechanisms that are consistent with human rights standards and their own human rights obligations.

  3. Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice towards VCT, among Jimma teachers training college students, Jimma town Oromia region, Southwestern Ethiopia, 2014

    HIV/AIDS is a disease of the human immune system caused by infection with human immune deficiency virus (HIV).According to Ministry of Health, in Ethiopia the highest prevalence of HIV is seen in the age group 15-24 years. VCT is internationally acknowledged as essential strategic for HIV prevention and also entry point to AIDS care.Voluntary counseling and testing is vitally important and one of the national strategy to control HIV/AIDS epidemics especially among young adults. …

  4. Análisis legislativo comparado sobre embarazo adolescente matrimonio temprano

    El presente documento tiene por objetivo principal el realizar un estudio comparado sobre la situación actual de la legislación en relación a la prevención del embarazo adolescente y el matrimonio temprano en la región de América Latina y El Caribe, que destaque la legislación existente y su nivel de adecuación en comparación a los estándares de derechos humanos en la materia.

  5. Adolescent pregnancy: a review of the evidence

    This report presents an update on the current situation of pregnancies among girls less than 18 years of age and adolescents 15-19 years of age; trends during the last 10 years; variations across geographic, cultural and economic settings; interventions available to minimize pregnancy among adolescents; evidence for these programmatic approaches; and challenges that nations will have to deal with in the next 20 years given current population momentum.

  6. Sexual and reproductive health needs and access to services for vulnerable groups in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    This report aims to understand sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs and related policies for three selected vulnerable groups - Roma (men and women), internally displaced people (IDPs) and adolescents - in eight Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The purpose of the study is to contribute to a policy dialogue on focusing national programs on the SRH needs of vulnerable groups.

  7. Gender equality assessment of provincial HIV, STIs and TB strategic and operational plans in South Africa

    This Gender Equality Assessment of Provincial Strategic Plans and Provincial Operational Plans on HIV, STIs and TB within South Africa assesses provincial HIV, STI and TB responses against the HEARD and ATHENA Framework for Women, Girls and Gender Equality and the UNAIDS Gender Assessment Tool for National HIV Responses. The Assessment identifies the extent to which provincial responses prioritise women, girls and gender equality by including a number of specific, evidence-informed interventions; it furthermore highlights policy and programmatic gaps and challenges within these plans. …

  8. Developing an education sector response to early and unintended pregnancy

    This discussion paper was prepared by UNESCO for the global consultation on education sector responses to early and unintended pregnancy (EUP) held in Johannesburg in November 2014. The paper describes global and regional specificities of EUP, the causes behind it, and the implications for the education sector, highlighting the current status of the education sector response and examples of ongoing programs and initiatives aimed at preventing EUP through comprehensive sexuality education and ensuring the right to education for pregnant and parenting girls.

  9. Report on inquiry into teenage pregnancy

    This reports’objective is to assess the work directed at reducing unplanned teenage pregnancy and to look at what else can be done to support young people at risk of pregnancy or who have a child very young. The Health and Sport Committee Committee has considered the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poverty, examined the challenges to change in Scotland’s most deprived communities, asked whether services are being effectively delivered, and tried to highlight some initiatives.

  10. Factors associated with teenage pregnancy in South Asia: a systematic review

    Background: South Asia has a large proportion of young people in the world and teenage pregnancy has emerged as one of the major public health problem among them. The objective of this study is to systematically review to identify the risk factors associated with teenage pregnancy in South Asian countries. Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL database (1996 to April 2007) and web-based information. Inclusion criteria were the English-language papers available in the UK and describing teenage pregnancy in South Asia. …

  11. Experiences of pregnant adolescents - voices from Wakiso district, Uganda

    Background: In Uganda, morbidity and mortality among adolescent mothers and their children are high. Social factors behind this problem need to be better understood. Objective: To explore problems that pregnant adolescents face in order to design appropriate policies and interventions. Methods: This was a descriptive study that utilized qualitative methods for data collection. The study population comprised of pregnant adolescents, adolescent mothers, opinion leaders, In-charge of health unit, and Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in Wakiso district, Uganda. …

  12. Scan of law and policies affecting human rights, discrimination and access to HIV and health services by key populations in Pakistan

    The Scan of Laws and Policies Affecting Human Rights, Discrimination and Access to HIV and Health Services by Key Populations in Pakistan identifies the current status of legislation, policies, institutional frameworks in Pakistan that safeguard the universal human rights of the key affected populations with regard to the HIV prevention, care and treatment. …

  13. The policy and legal environments related to HIV services in Malaysia

    The report on the Review and Consultation on the Policy and Legal Environments Related to HIV Services in Malaysia seeks to identify the current status of the policy and legal environment in Malaysia that safeguard the universal human rights of key affected populations with regard to HIV prevention, care and treatment. The review and consultation establishes a baseline and it provides a set of concrete recommendations to contribute to reforms that will promote an enabling environment where the human rights of the key populations are adequately protected.

  14. Norma oficial para la atención integral en salud sexual y reproductiva

    La publicación de la Norma Oficial para la Atención Integral en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva es el resultado de un prolongado proceso que sintetiza esfuerzos y luchas de importantes sectores de la sociedad venezolana para construir una plataforma programática que institucionalice esta área. …

  15. A review of interventions addressing structural drivers of adolescents' sexual and reproductive health vulnerability in sub-Saharan Africa: implications for sexual health programming

    Background: Young people particularly women are at increased risk of undesirable sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes. Structural factors have been reported as driving some of these risks. Although several interventions have targeted some of the structural drivers for adolescent’s SRH risk, little has been done to consolidate such work. This would provide a platform for coordinated efforts towards adolescent’s SRH. …


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