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International Bureau of Education
Tel.: +41.22.555.06.00
Fax: +41.22.555.06.46

Content Section

Who we are

The IBE is a global center of excellence in curriculum and related matters. As a leading UNESCO Institute we are recognized and valued for the specialist knowledge and expertise that we bring to member states promoting new shared global understanding of curriculum issues. To this end, we provide practical technical support addressing critical areas that impact provision and delivery of equitable quality education for all within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The IBE council

The governing body of our Institute is the IBE Council composed of 12 representatives from Member States designated by UNESCO’s General Conference for a term of office lasting four years. Holding annual meetings, the Council members discuss and approve the general programme and budget of the IBE for each biennium.

Director's office

Mr. Yao Ydo was appointed as the interim Director of UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE-UNESCO) in Geneva in August 2020. 

Origins and history

The IBE became the first ever intergovernmental organization in the field of education established to advance peace through education in 1929. Originally founded by a group of renowned educationalists in Geneva as a private institute in 1925, the IBE was led by the famous Swiss psychologist, Jean Piaget for almost 40 years. The IBE joined UNESCO in 1969 as an international centre of excellence in comparative education. The IBE has and will continue its quest for excellence as the Global centre for curriculum and related matters.