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Steering Committee

The TTF Steering Committee guides the work of the Secretariat and sets the strategic direction of the TTF. It is composed of representatives of the major constituencies of its membership. Steering Committee members are elected for a two-year renewable mandate.

Two elected co-Chairs guide the work of the Steering Committee. One co-Chair represents the member countries whilst the other represents the funding members. They are each elected for a period of two years.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Steering Committee  

The TTF Steering Committee has the following roles and responsibilities:

  • provide strategic guidance to the Secretariat on the Strategic Objectives and related activities including reviewing the annual work plan;
  • take note of progress made in implementation and report back to the TTF;
  • promote the work of the TTF internationally by attending global conferences and meetings addressing teacher issues; and
  • review the work of the Secretariat, including the Secretariat prepared Annual Work Plan and Report.

Please consult the Terms of Reference of the Teacher Task Force for more information.

Members of the Steering Committee

Constituencies represented in the Steering Committee Number of seats per constituency Current members
Africa 4 Cameroon, South Africa, Togo, Uganda
Arab States 2 Egypt, Saudi Arabia
Asia and Pacific 2 China, Japan
Europe and North America 2 Russian Federation, Turkey
Latin America & the Caribbean 2 St Kitts and Nevis, Paraguay
Donors 2 core funders Norway, Vacant seat
Donors 2 donors Germany, Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance
Global Intergovernmental Organizations 2 Conférence des Ministres de l'Éducations des États et Gouvernements de la Francophonie (CONFEMEN), International Labour Organization (ILO)
Regional Intergovernmental Organizations 1 Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS)
International Non-Governmental Organizations 2 VSO International, VVOB - education for development
Global Private Sector Organization or Foundation 1 MasterCard Foundation
Permanent seats 3 UNESCO, Education International (EI), Global Partnership for Education (GPE)