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International Bureau of Education
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Lead global dialogue on curriculum

There is a need to deepen the understanding of curriculum and to reconceptualise it as a tool to enhance and democratize learning opportunities within a lifelong learning perspective.

International Conference on Education 2008 - Plenary session

There exists a narrow and traditional view of curriculum that conceives of it as a collection of study plans, syllabi, and textbooks. This view is incomplete and fails to see the holistic value of curriculum in supporting the acquisition of the broader essential competencies that citizens must posses to ensure national, regional, and global development.

A more nuanced approach is to see the curriculum as one of the most effective tools to enhance and democratize lifelong learning opportunities, specifically as an essential enabler of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for education (SDG 4). 

The IBE works to explicitly articulate the developmental value of curriculum by leading intellectual efforts to promote deeper understanding of this paradigm shift in curriculum and learning. We promote and support informed policy and technical dialogue on this renewed approach to curriculum. Through global dialogue and advocacy, we also aim at reinforcing our networks and partnerships that strengthen international, regional, and sub-regional cooperation in the fields of curriculum, learning, and assessment.

IBE Director

Mmantsetsa Marope