15 September 2020
A new UNESCO issue note , produced by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), aims to support...
In almost one-third of countries, fewer than 5 per cent of adults aged 15 and above participate in education and learning programmes, according to UNESCO’s fourth Global Report on Adult Learning and Education ( GRALE 4 ). Adults with disabilities, older adults, refugees and migrants, minority...
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning’s annual report shows how, in 2019, UIL fulfilled its mission to promote lifelong learning as the leading educational paradigm for inclusive and sustainable learning societies in the context of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development...
A new UNESCO issue note, produced by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and the Section of Education Policy at UNESCO Headquarters, aims to support education policy-makers and planners in ensuring the quality of learning is maintained in the context of the current pandemic, now and in...
Providing free access to relevant resources is crucial for prisoners’ personal development, well-being and, ultimately, rehabilitation. By offering a variety of reading and learning materials, from easy to expert levels and in various languages, prison libraries provide lifelong learning...
African Member States and the international community must do more to enhance participation in adult learning and education (ALE) across the continent; that is the principal message of a newly released report by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). The publication,...