We help strengthen the capacity of countries to plan and manage their education systems for a more equal
and sustainable future.
StoriesCambodia: Digital education is here to stay24.09.2020
NewsCOVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response23.09.2020
Strategic debatePlanning education during COVID-19: Is contingency planning the way forward?22.09.2020
ExplainerICT in Latin America: Policy and planning for emergencies17.09.2020
ExplainerTeacher salaries: A prerequisite for reform24.08.2020
NewsCOVID-19 Policy Brief: UN Secretary-General warns of education catastrophe04.08.2020
StoriesFrom exclusion to inclusion: A blind teacher in Kenya recounts his own education30.07.2020
Monday 21 September 2020
Friday 6 November 2020