In this particular time, what if we try to better understand the world around us? The ocean is essential for life on Earth and covers 71 % of the planet’s surface. It is the largest ecosystem on Earth, inhabited by abundant biodiversity, but it is also at the heart of the climate machine. The ocean indeed captures more than 25…

Climate negotiations in Madrid : COP25 made a splash
In 2015, when the ocean was integrated in the Preamble of the Paris Agreement, it was the first fundamental step recognizing the ocean as an essential component of the climate system. In the last four years, the launch of the Global Climate Action Agenda (GCA) at COP22 (Marrakech), the release of the IPCC Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere (SROCC,…

On the first day of the Blue COP, the Ocean and Climate Platform presents its Policy Recommendations for “a healty ocean, a protected climate”
On December 2th, opening day of the « Blue COP » held in Madrid under Chilean presidency, the Ocean and Climate Platform, organized a High-level event “Ocean for Climate: Moving from Science to Policy” at the French Pavilion, in partnership with the Because the Ocean initiative and the Ocean Acidification Alliance. In the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and…

From Santiago to Madrid: the ocean now a key player in climate negotiations.
This year, the ocean will finally be at the heart of climate negotiations. It was about time: it took 21 years of climate COPs and the integration of the ocean in the Paris Agreement’s preamble in 2015 for the ocean to appear in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process. COP25 intends to be blue, and wants…

The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development: a call to action for the understanding and protection of the ocean
In 2017, during its 72nd Session, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), starting January 1st 2021. This decision confirms the growing interest of the international community in the ocean and the recognition of its major role in climate regulation, and calls for support for ocean sciences to implement…

The Ocean and Climate Platform publishes 13 new scientific sheets (2019)
The ocean regulates global climate by its continual exchanges with the atmosphere, whether they happen through radiative, mechanical and gaseous processes. It absorbs, stocks and transfers the sun’s heat in its movements, influencing atmospheric temperatures and circulation. Its capacity to store heat is way more efficient than the continents’ or the atmosphere’s but we still ignore until when it will…

The new report, “Ocean For Climate: Ocean-Related Measures in Climate Strategies” is now available
The new report, “Ocean For Climate: Ocean-Related Measures in Climate Strategies (Nationally Determined Contributions, National Adaptation Plans, Adaptation Communications, and National Policy Frameworks)”, produced by the Because The Ocean initiative is now available ! It provides a suite of options for positive action which governments can take to increase the resilience of the ocean. Stemming from a series of workshops…

Press release – The IPCC adopts the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
“The ocean will either be the driver of climate change, or the pillar of our resilience.” . On 25 September, in Monaco, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has launched its Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate. This unprecedented event in IPCC’s history finally marks the recognition of the ocean as a major challenge…

Ocean & Climate change : new challenges – Focus on 5 key themes of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere
On September 25, in Monaco, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), launched its Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a changing climate. This unprecedented event in IPCC’s history finally marks the recognition of the ocean as a major challenge of climate change, and the Ocean and Climate Platform is thrilled with this victory. The Platform, along with…

From COP21 towards the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)
High Level Scientific Conference on 10 and 11 September 2018, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris Since COP21, new elements of knowledge came to light, thus enhancing our understanding of the interactions between ocean, climate and biodiversity. The well-being of marine ecosystems is recognized as central to combat climate change, highlighting the need to support and develop ocean science. In view…