World Inequality Database on Education
The World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE) highlights the powerful influence of circumstances, such as wealth, gender, ethnicity and location, over which people have little control but which play an important role in shaping their opportunities for education and life. It draws attention to unacceptable levels of education inequality across countries and between groups within countries, with the aim of helping to inform policy design and public debate.
Compare countries
Compare groups within countries
Compare overlapping disparities

Selecting an indicator compares disparities between countries for different groups, such as wealth, gender or location. Groups are visualized as coloured dots.
Clicking on a country shows the disparities for different groups, such as gender, wealth or location within the selected country.
Clicking on one of the groups shows overlapping disparities within countries. Combining multiple dimensions of inequality, it can compare, for example, education for rural poor women with urban rich men within a given country.