Regional Virtual Meeting for Francophone Africa - Teachers Leading in crisis, reimagining the future
متى؟ | الخميس, أكتوبر 8, 2020 - 15:00 - الخميس, أكتوبر 8, 2020 - 16:30 |
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The International Task force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF) in collaboration with UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building (IICBA) will host a Regional Virtual Meeting for Francophone Countries on 8 October at 15:00h-16:30 (Paris time GTM +2).
Following from the Regional Meetings initiated in May/June of 2020 on distance teaching and the return to school, the TTF, with member organizations and partners is organizing a new series of discussions to coincide with the WTD celebration. These will build on the initial dialogue while also exploring the topic of teacher leadership and its key role in developing effective solutions to address challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and building back resilient education systems.
In particular, the regional meetings will provide a forum to:
- Share examples of leadership that emerged, were implemented or are planned during different phases of the pandemic including the transition to remote teaching and the return to school;
- Identify the different systemic or policy level enabling factors that were conducive to foster effective leadership amongst school leaders and teachers at the classroom-, school- and community-levels;
- Identify challenges that need to be addressed to ensure leadership can be enhanced and teachers can take the lead on different dimensions of teaching and learning;
- Discuss different tools available to support teacher leadership, including the new TTF Toolkit for Reopening Schools, and TTF Knowledge Platform.
Some of the main questions to be covered will include:
- What government interventions were implemented or are planned to strengthen leadership capacity of school leaders and teachers to ensure the continuity of learning in the use of distance education and the return to school (if applicable) at the classroom-, school-, and community-levels?
- Given the lack of time to prepare for school closures in most countries, what examples of leadership decisions and actions emerged to ensure the continuity of learning at the micro-(classroom), meso-(school) and macro- (community) levels?
- What forms of social dialogue were conducted or are planned within a strong teacher leadership orientation to ensure the voices of teachers are included in planning?
- What enabling factors and challenges currently exist to foster a leadership mindset?
The meeting is open to TTF member countries and organizations as well as non-members. TTF focal points, representatives of Ministries of Education, and other relevant education stakeholders working on teachers’ issues in the region are invited to join the meeting.
Please register here
Details of the agenda will be shared closer to the event.