Advisory Board
The Futures of Education Advisory Board is composed of leading figures and key strategic partners in global education, research and innovation. The Board provides strategic guidance to UNESCO on the Futures of Education initiative, including input on content, process and outreach.
Report on first Advisory Board meeting (March 2020) available here
Advisory Board Members
Mr Tariq Al Gurg
Chief Executive Officer, Dubai Cares
Ms Alice P. Albright
Chief Executive Officer, Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
Mr Gordon Brown
UN Special Envoy for Global Education
Ms Annette Dixon
Vice President for Human Development, The World Bank Group
Ms Henrietta Fore
Executive Director, UNICEF
Ms Susan Hopgood
President, Education International
Mr Carlos Moedas
Commissioner 2014 2019, European Commission, Research Science and Innovation
Mr Matías Rodríguez Inciarte
President of Santander Universidades and Vice President of Universia
Mr Refat Sabbah
President, Global Campaign for Education
Mr Jeffrey D Sachs
Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University
Ms Cecilia Scharp
Deputy Director General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Mr Andreas Schleicher
Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD
Ms Alette Van Leur
Director, Sectoral Policies Department, International Labour Organization
Ms Hilligje van’t Land
Secretary General, International Association of Universities
Ms Yume Yamaguchi
Director, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, United Nations University