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Your view on the futures of education

UNESCO invites you to share your thoughts about how education can be used to shape the future of humanity and the planet.

We are looking forward to learn more about your perspectives on what should be remembered and held central in discussions about the futures of education. Statements can be narrow or broad. Please feel free to speak from your particular experience.

UNESCO will review all submitted contributions and present a synthesis of major messages to the International Commission that steers the work of the Futures of Education initiative.

Individual submissions may also be excerpted or published in their entirety on the Futures of Education website.

Thank you in advance for taking time to share your views. Please note that work on this page cannot be saved nor changed once submitted. You are advised to prepare your statement in another software program and copy and paste it here.


UNESCO Headquarters

7 Place de Fontenoy
75007 Paris, France

Education Research and Foresight Programme


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