Setting Benchmarks to Achieve SDG 4 Targets
On August 4th, UNESCO invited countries to submit their national benchmark values for 2025 and 2030 for each of the seven global and thematic benchmark indicators as their national contribution to the SDG4 progress.
As a result of this global mobilization, 39% of countries submitted national benchmark values as of 31 October 2021, and 10% of countries have committed to submit values in the upcoming weeks and months.
Learn more about setting benchmarks
Read the latest blog A promise kept: more than half of countries set SDG 4 national benchmarks for the latest update on the SDG benchmarks setting.
Aligning Regional Frameworks With the SDG 4 Framework
Understanding the alignment and coherence between the global, regional and national education agendas is key to strengthen national planning and to prompt exchanges on challenges and good practices, promote mutual learning and, ultimately, lead to common actions.
A series of regional reports bridging the global SDG 4 framework with regional education monitoring frameworks have been launched, along with data tables and country profiles.
Read more about the alignment of the regional frameworks with SDG 4
Launching on International Education Day: Education Digest 2021
On 24 January 2022, the International Education Day, the UIS and GEMR will be launching the Education Digest 2021.
More information coming soon!