Learning Loss

Learning Loss


Monitoring Impacts on Learning Outcomes (MILO)

The main aim of this study is to determine the impact of COVID-19 on learning outcomes at the end of primary schooling. To quantify current learning outcomes an assessment of reading and mathematics will be administered to students at the end of primary school in 2021. To quantify the impact on learning outcomes, data on learning outcomes prior to the pandemic must be available for comparison. The knowledge about current and prior learning outcomes will also lay the foundation for the participating countries to compare future learning outcomes. In the ideal situation, prior, current and future data can be used to determine learning loss due to COVID-19 and learning recovery following COVID-19 - see the figure below for an illustration of the study.

The benchmark that will be used to quantify learning outcomes will be the proportion of students in the end of primary population, in each country, that meet the Minimum Proficiency Levels (MPL) referred to in SDG indicator 4.1.1(b) and described in Refinement of minimum proficiency levels by ACER-GEM (2020). The link to this benchmark will be established in the 2021 assessments as part of this study and will be retrospectively applied to prior assessment results.

Read more about the MILO study in the Study Design: COVID-19 Monitoring Impacts on Learning Outcomes (MILO).


COVID-19 Monitoring Impacts on Learning Outcomes (MILO)