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Building peace in the minds of men and women

Report Fraud, Corruption or other Misconduct

The Investigation Office
This form allows you to report any allegation to the Investigation Office*. Please, fill in the document accurately and provide all the information necessary to enable for a credible assessment of the matter. To facilitate the investigation process, please do not forget to include your contact details.

Information concerning your identity is confidential and will not be released to other UNESCO staff or to anyone outside UNESCO without your prior consent. However, if you wish to remain anonymous, we suggest you use an anonymous communication channel (e.g. free web-based email address, VOIP, etc.)

You can also contact us directly:

Cedric Bourgeois
Head of Investigations
Tel: +
Mail: c.bourgeois@unesco.org


Daniel Granier
Tel: +
Mail: d.granier@unesco.org


*Only allegations in relation to UNESCO staff, assets or programmes will be handled.

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