As the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic, the UIS and its partners have set in place resources, surveys and resources available to all to support and create a space to discuss and exchange our various experiences.

School Closures and Regional Policies to Mitigate Learning Loss due to COVID-19: A Focus on the Asia-Pacific

This report breaks down the effects of school closures across the Asia-Pacific, and the effects on different levels of education from early childhood education, through to primary and secondary school. It analyses country efforts to implement remote learning, and strategies to mitigate learning losses as the proportion of students expected to fall below minimum proficiency levels is expected to rise.

See the PowerPoint presentation of the launch here.


Monitoring GEM Commitments Using the Joint Survey of National Education Responses to COVID-19

This report provides a brief analysis on where we stand in our global education monitoring (GEM) commitments based on data collected by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) from national government websites and publications, and the Survey on National Education Responses to COVID-19 School Closures.


What's Next? Lessons on Education Recovery: Findings from a Survey of Ministries of Education amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

UNESCO, the UNICEF, the World Bank and the OECD have collaborated in the 3rd round of the Survey on National Education Responses to COVID-19 School Closures, administered by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and OECD to Ministry of Education officials.

Find out more about the 3rd survey results.

Latest webinars

What's Next? Lessons on Education Recovery Tuesday 13 July 2021, 11:00-13:00 EDT

The webinar presented the results of the latest data from the Survey of National Education Responses to COVID-19, which provides the latest snapshot of the COVID-19 impact on various aspects related to the education systems, as well as the policies implemented to assess and remediate them, including strategies to ensure equity and safe reopening of schools for all.

Outcomes from the latest data collection are captured in the new joint report What's Next? Lessons on Education Recovery: Findings from a Survey of Ministries of Education amid the COVID-19 Pandemic and are also available to all here.

Explore the global situation on school closures and COVID-19...

In an effort to foster international collaboration and ensure that education never stops, UNESCO has mounted a response with a set of initiatives that include the global monitoring of national and localized school closures.

Global monitoring of school closures

Total duration of school closures

Teachers and the COVID-19 vaccine