Global Meetings
Consensus Building Meeting on Proficiency Levels
The Consensus Building Meeting took place in Paris (France) in September 2018. It addressed:
- The number of proficiency levels when addressing a country’s progress in achieving SDG 4.1.1;
- The policy proficiency level descriptors (PLDs) for each educational level; and
- The performance level descriptors for reading and mathematics for each of the educational levels.
UIS-IEA Rosetta Stone Meeting
The UIS, IEA, CONFEMEN and Member States met at the UIS-IEA Rosetta Stone Meeting in Dakar (Senegal) in November 2019 to discuss the implementation of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and IEA Rosetta Stone project in Senegal, Guinea, and Burundi.
2nd Meeting of Cross-National Assessments: Linking Comparability
In support of the GAML, the UIS invited the directors of all regional and international learning assessments to the Second Meeting of Cross-National Assessments: Linking Comparability to resolve the measurement issues needed to improve the coverage and comparability of data to produce SDG Indicator 4.1.1.
Expert Meetings