UNESCO / Billy James Dega
Social and Human Sciences
for just, inclusive, resilient and democratic societies
In today’s increasingly diverse societies, UNESCO continues to accomplish every day its fundamental humanist mission to support people in facing contemporary challenges, understanding each other, and working together to build lasting peace. UNESCO also helps to enable people to create and use knowledge for just, inclusive, resilient and democratic societies.
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Social and Human Sciences
Enable people to create and use knowledge for just and inclusive societies

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Shutterstock / Alessandro Biascioli
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UNESCO brief on the right to science and COVID-19

Youth lens on the Silk Roads: best photos from the International Silk Roads Photo Contest

Inclusive and resilient societies: equality, sustainability and efficiency; policy report
With the support of APCEIU

Report of the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO (IBC) on the ethical issues of neurotechnology
15 December 2021