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Sustainable economic growth, as outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, can only be achieved when the world of work transitions effectively towards green and sustainable practices. This transition has the potential to significantly impact global labour markets in the near future.
The transition to green economies will potentially create 24 million jobs by 2030, while 1.2 billion current jobs will also be affected in terms of the skills needed (ILO, 2018).
According to the ILO, eighteen million of these projected new jobs are related to the shift towards renewable energy, energy efficiency and other low-carbon industries. Another six million jobs will result from embracing the circular economy.
Greening TVET describes the efforts of fostering the culture of sustainable practices in TVET and facilitates the transition to climate-resilient societies, greater resource efficiency, and circular economy. TVET is expected to play a key role in preparing learners for emerging green jobs and providing them with green skills and competencies. However, while the demand for green skills is growing globally, TVET systems in many countries struggle to respond and cater to these needs.
The BILT Project provides a platform to share and discuss different approaches to embed sustainability in curricula and training regulations, from the identification of specific knowledge and skills applicable to specific sectors, to the integration of transversal skills linked to the awareness about climate change and resource efficiency. TVET stakeholders benefit from working together to identify the most urgent needs, understand how to best embed them in curricula and training regulations, and develop appropriate approaches to pedagogy and the assessment of learning outcomes.
To learn more about successful responses to the greening-related challenges implemented by the institutions of the UNEVOC Network and beyond, please consult the BILT Innovation and Learning practices, the BILT Workshop on Greening summary report and review UNESCO-UNEVOC’s Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training: A Practical Guide for Institutions. The Greening TVET guide outlines a whole-institution approach to greening TVET institutions, and provides the framework for capacity-development programmes focused on greening campuses, curriculum and training, research, communities and workplace, and institutional culture.
Submitted by ADB Nord gGmbH, Germany
The bakery trade is a centuries-old tradition in Germany. With more than 3200 different bread specialties, German craft bakers have a global reputation for excellence. At the same time, the profession is confronted with fundamental challenges includi ...
Submitted by CFME, Hungary
The Green Wheels project responds to the need for innovation in the automotive training sector by providing an open learning programme for the repair, maintenance and servicing of electric and hybrid vehicles. The programme focuses on innovative teac ...
Submitted by BKAL, Germany
FOENAKO addresses the need for developing demand-oriented knowledge in the field of sustainability for students, apprentices and teaching staff. Through close collaboration between TVET schools and the private sector, the project develops real-world ...
Submitted by DPDHL, Germany
The Certified GoGreen Specialist training initiative contributes towards building a green and sustainability culture for DPDHL’s global workforce. This is achieved by taking into consideration the different needs of employees and contextualizing tr ...
Innovation and learning practice - Submitted by MCAST, Malta
This initiative addresses Greening TVET, which describes the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that foster a culture of sustainable practices in the community, the workplace, and the institutional setting. Greening for a Sustainable Envi ...
Submitted by BIBB, Germany
Pro DEENLA addresses the need for vocational training in the transportation and logistics sector that is responsive to social and industry concerns. This training includes competencies for sustainable vocational action provided via 27 learning tasks ...
Summary report
This summary captures the key outcomes of the thematic BILT Workshop on ‘Greening TVET’, held at the Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology in Paola, Malta, on 23-24 October 2019.
A practical guide for institutions
This Guide describes the macro need for TVET reform in conformity with the Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and other United Nations, UNESCO and national initiatives. The ...
World Employment and Social Outlook 2018
While climate change mitigation measures may cause short-term job losses, the report shows that a just transition to a more sustainable economy offers much potential for job creation and the promotion of decent work.
The report also looks at key i ...
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