| Expert groups
Expert groups help implement the BILT project by carrying out research, contributing case studies, and authoring publications. In 2021, an expert group developed the three-volume publication ‘New qualifications and competencies for future-oriented TVET’.
2021 expert group members
Macro level expert group
- Lead expert: Philip Loveder, "Executive Group Manager, Inform and Engage; Director, International Relations", NCVER, Australia
- Jens Bjornavold, Senior Expert, CEDEFOP
- Christina Hong, President, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), China
- Kikomeko Joseph, Assistant Commissioner TIET, Ministry of Education and Sports, Department of Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (BTVET)
- Gabriel Konayuma, Senior VET Officer and Curriculum Development Specialist, Ministry of Higher Education, Zambia
- Rikardo LaMadrid, Director of Technology and Advanced Learning, Dept. Education, Basque Vice-Ministry of VET, Spain
- Inga Schad-Dankwart, Senior Researcher, BIBB, Germany
Meso level expert group
- Lead expert: Matteo Sgarzi, International Relations Manager, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche sur les Qualifications (Céreq), France
- Vesna Anđelić, Assistant Director for VET Development, AVETAE, Croatia
- Isabel G. Gamurot, Chief TESD Specialist Competency Standard Development Division (CSDD) Qualifications and Standards Office (QSO), TESDA, Philippines
- Amon Haufiku, Manager TVET Standards, Namibia Training Authorithy, Namibia
- Fred Oanda, Deputy Director of Accreditation Services, TVETA, Kenya
- Agnes P. Panem, Chief TESDA Specialist Curriculum and Training Aids Development Division (CTADD), National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development (NITESD), TESDA, Philippines
- Ajith Polwatte, Director (Quality Assurance and Assessment Regulation), TVEC, Sri Lanka
- Lina Vaitkute, Head, Qualifications Formation Unit, Qualifications and VET Development Centre (KPMPC), Lithuania
- Suleiman Mohammed Yusuf, Desk Officer, National Board of Technical Education, Nigeria
Micro level expert group
- Lead expert: James Keevy, Chief Executive Officer, JET Educational Services, South Africa
- Edel Cassar, Director Strategy Implementation, MCAST, Malta
- John K. Kikwai, Registrar, RVTTI, Kenya
- Thim Veng Lim, Lead Specialist, Strategic and Quality Development Department, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
- Paolo Nardi, International Affairs and Research Coordinator, COMETA, Italy
- Emmanuel C. Osinem, TVET educator, TVET Quality Assurance Expert, Centre for TVET and Research, University of Nsukka, Nigeria
- Kati Valtonen, Service Manager, International and Project Activities, Omnia, Finland
- Yongxue Wang, Professor, Shenzen Polytechnic, China
| BILT Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee to the BILT project is comprised of high-level representatives from Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. It provides strategic directions and opportunities to advocate the topics of BILT among policy makers and other key stakeholders.
Members of the Advisory Committee
- Chair: Mr Friedrich Huebler, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC
- Co-chair: Ms Catrin Hannken, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
International organizations
- Mr Joao Santos, European Commission
- Mr Nicholas Ouma, African Union Commission
- Mr Isidro Lapeña, ASEAN TVET Council
- Ms Ellah Manyana Matshediso, Human Resource Development Council (HRDC), Botswana
- Mr Fred Kyei Asamoah, Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET), Ghana
- Mr Langat Kipkirui, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA), Kenya
Asia and the Pacific
- Ms Rosanna Urdaneta, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Philippines
- Mr Tuan Kee Aw, Temasek Polytechnic (TP), Singapore
- Mr Phil Loveder, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Australia
- Ms Tuula Antola, Omnia, the Joint Authority of Education in the Espoo region, Finland
- Ms Barbara Fontanellaz, Swiss Federal university for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET), Switzerland
- Ms Florence Lefresne, Centre for Studies and Research on Qualifications (Céreq), France
| BILT Community The BILT community is the continuously growing group of institutions, that have engaged in knowledge exchange and peer-learning in the project context. It includes all of the above-mentioned groups, and those institutions that have hosted or co-hosted BILT events, authored a project publication, or have spoken at BILT events. Altogether they form part of the peer-learning wheel.
Current members of the BILT community
- AUC, African Union Commission, Africa https://au.int/
- CNCP-EFTP, National Consultation Framework for the Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Benin https://www.gouv.bj/
- HRDC Botswana, Human Resource Development Council of Botswana (UNEVOC Centre), Botswana https://www.hrdc.org.bw/
- CERMI & CdC 3C, Center for Renewable Energies and Industrial Maintenance, Cape Verde https://cdc3c.com/
- AGEFOP, National Agency for Vocational Training (UNEVOC Centre),Côte d’Ivoire http://www.agefop.ci/
- ATTC, Accra Technical Training Centre (UNEVOC Centre), Ghana https://attcghana.com/
- COTVET, Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC Centre), Ghana https://ctvet.gov.gh/
- Ghana Refugee Board, Ghana https://grb.gov.gh/
- Knauf, Ghana https://knauf-ghana.business.site/
- MOFA, Ministry of Food and Agriculture: Women in Agricultural Development Directorate (WIAD) and Agricultural Engineering Services Directorate (AESD), Ghana https://mofa.gov.gh/site/directorates/technical-directorates/women-in-agricultural-development
- New Century Career Training Institute (NCCTI), Ghana https://newcommunitytech.edu/
- University of Cape Coast, Department of Vocational and Technical Education (UNEVOC Centre), Ghana https://votec.ucc.edu.gh/
- Gearbox, Kenya https://www.gearbox.co.ke/
- School of Business and Economics, Mount Kenya University, Kenya https://sbe.mku.ac.ke/
- Sigalagala National Polytechnic, Kenya https://sigalagalapoly.ac.ke/
- TVETA, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (UNEVOC Centre), Kenya https://www.tveta.go.ke/
- FAMIB Group, Mali https://groupfamib.com/
- Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD), Mauritius, https://www.mitd.mu/
- ANEP, National Authority of Professional Education, Mozambique http://www.anep.gov.mz/
- Namibia Training Authority (UNEVOC Centre), Namibia https://www.nta.com.na/
- CETVETAR, UNN, Centre for Technical Vocational Education Training and Research, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNEVOC Centre), Nigeria https://www.unn.edu.ng/
- CORBON, Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria, Nigeria https://www.corbon.gov.ng/
- Federation of Construction Industry Skills Academy (FOCI), Nigeria https://foci.org.ng/
- NBTE, National Board for Technical Education (UNEVOC Centre), Nigeria https://net.nbte.gov.ng/
- DHET, Department of Higher Education and Training, South Africa https://www.dhet.gov.za/
- FOSH Learning, South Africa https://fosh-learning.co.za/
- JET Education Services (UNEVOC Centre), South Africa https://www.jet.org.za/
- RMI, Retail Motor Industry Organisation, South Africa https://www.rmi.org.za/
- Wits University, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa https://www.wits.ac.za/
- MoHE, Ministry of Higher Education of Zambia (UNEVOC Centre), Zambia https://www.mohe.gov.zm/
- Young Africa, Zimbabwe https://youngafrica.org/
Asia and the Pacific
ADB, Asian Development Bank, Asia and the Pacific https://www.adb.org/
AFWC, ASEAN Future Workforce Council, Asia and the Pacific https://www.asean-fwc.org/
ATC, ASEAN TVET Council, Asia and the Pacific https://www.sea-vet.net/41-news/asean/731-asean-tvet-council-terms-of-reference
NCVER, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (UNEVOC Centre), Australia www.ncver.edu.au
TDA, TAFE Directors Australia (UNEVOC Centre), Australia https://tda.edu.au/
Shenzhen Polytechnic (UNEVOC Centre), China http://english.szpt.edu.cn/
THEi, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, China https://www.thei.edu.hk/
VTC, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong, China https://www.vtc.edu.hk/
AMMACHI Labs, Amrita University, India https://ammachilabs.org/
PSSCIVE, Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (UNEVOC Centre), India http://psscive.ac.in/
SHINTA VR, Indonesia https://shintavr.com/
National Institute of Technology, Japan https://www.kosen-k.go.jp/
Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education, UTHM, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UNEVOC Centre), Malaysia https://fptv.uthm.edu.my/
MOHE, DPCCE, Ministry of Higher Education, Department of Polytechnic Education (UNEVOC Centre), Malaysia
PKTI, Pakistan Knitwear Training Institute, Pakistan http://pktilahore.edu.pk/
PCCI HRDF, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Human Resources Development Foundation, Inc., Philippines www.pccihrdf.com
TESDA, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (UNEVOC Centre), Philippines https://www.tesda.gov.ph/
HRDKorea, Human Resources Development Service of Korea (UNEVOC Centre), Republic of Korea https://www.hrdkorea.or.kr/
Temasek Polytechnic (UNEVOC Centre), Singapore https://www.tp.edu.sg/
TVEC, Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (UNEVOC Centre), Sri Lanka https://www.tvec.gov.lk/
TPQI, Thailand Profession Qualifications Institute, Thailand https://www.tpqi.go.th/
VCMI, College of Machinery and Irrigation, Vietnam https://vcmi.edu.vn/
BMBWF, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education (UNEVOC Centre), Austria https://www.bmbwf.gv.at/
IFTE, Institute for Teaching Entrepreneurship, Austria https://www.ifte.at/
AVETAE, Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (UNEVOC Centre), Croatia https://www.asoo.hr/
Dubrovnik Tourist and Catering School, Croatia http://ss-turisticka-ugostiteljska-du.skole.hr/
NPI CR, National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic https://www.npi.cz/
Municipality of Sorø, Denmark https://soroe.dk/
Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (UNEVOC Centre), Denmark https://nielsbrock.com/
Harno, Education and Youth Board (UNEVOC Centre), Estonia https://www.harno.ee/
Tallinn Industrial Education Centre, Estonia https://www.tthk.ee/
ACEA, European Automobile Manufacturers Association, Europe https://www.acea.auto/
Business Europe, Europe https://www.businesseurope.eu/
Cedefop, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Europe https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/
ETF, European Training Foundation, Europe https://www.etf.europa.eu/
ETUC, European Trade Union Confederation, Europe https://www.etuc.org/
European Commission, Europe https://ec.europa.eu/
OKM, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland https://okm.fi/en/
Omnia (UNEVOC Centre), Finland https://www.omnia.fi/
Otavia, Finland https://otavia.fi/
Campus d'Excellence Industrie du futur – Sud, France https://campus-industriefutur-sud.com/
Cereq, Centre for Study and Research on Training and Qualifications (UNEVOC Centre), France https://www.cereq.fr/
OPCO 2i, Interindustry Competence Operator, France https://www.opco2i.fr/
ADB Nord gGmbH, Academy of the German Bakery Trade, Germany https://adb-nord.de/
BIBB, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC Centre), Germany https://www.bibb.de/en/64.php
BKAL, Berufskolleg an der Lindenstrasse, Germany https://www.bkal.de/
BMBF, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany https://www.bmbf.de/
DPDHL, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Germany https://www.dpdhl.com/
f-bb, Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung, Germany https://www.f-bb.de/en/
SGB Dresden, Germany https://www.sbg-dresden.de/
Centre “TVET for Sustainable Development”, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (UNEVOC Centre), Germany http://www.unevoc-magdeburg.de/Contact.html
FIAP e.v., Greece https://fiap-ev.org/
IME GSEVEE, Small Enterprises’ Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants, Greece https://imegsevee.gr/
CFME, Centre for Modern Education, Hungary https://www.cfme.hu/
Cometa, Cometa Formazione scs (UNEVOC Centre), Italy https://www.puntocometa.org/
Fondazione ADAPT, Italy http://www.adapt.it/
Daugavpils Construction Technical School, Latvia https://www.dbt.lv/
Ministry of Education and Science, Latvia https://www.izm.gov.lv/en/
Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre, Lithuania https://www.kaupa.lt/en/
KPMPC, Qualifications and VET Development Centre (UNEVOC Centre), Lithuania https://www.kpmpc.lt/
MCAST, Malta College of Arts (UNEVOC Centre), Malta https://www.mcast.edu.mt/
Koning Willem I College, Netherlands https://www.kw1c.nl/
Zuyderland Care Centre, Netherlands https://www.zuyderland.nl/
Fagskolen Innlandet, Norway https://fagskolen-innlandet.no/
OsloMet, Oslo Metropolitan University (UNEVOC Centre), Norway https://www.oslomet.no/
Verket FabLab, Norway https://verketfablab.no/
Viken technology cluster 4.0, Norway https://vikenklynge.no/
CENFIM, Vocational Training Centre of the Metal Industry, Portugal https://www.cenfim.pt/
ISQ Academy, Portugal https://academy.isq.pt/
NCTVETD, National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development, Romania
School Center Nova Gorica, Slovenia http://en.scng.si/
Fundación Secretariado Gitano, Spain https://www.gitanos.org/
Miguel Altuna, Spain https://www.maltuna.eus/
TKNIKA (UNEVOC Centre), Spain https://tknika.eus/
CFL Söderhamn, Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL) Söderhamn (UNEVOC Centre), Sweden https://www.hufb.se/
SFUVET, Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC Centre), Switzerland https://www.sfuvet.swiss/
University of Nottingham (UNEVOC Centre), United Kingdom https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/