About the Creative City: 

Since the first kite, the earliest human aircraft, took flight in Weifang 2,400 years ago, crafts and creativity have been recognized as a foundation of local development. Weifang became the centre of Buddha statue making around the 5th and 6th centuries. Since the 18th century, Weifang has been a crafts and folk art capital in northern China. Kite, Chinese New Year painting, papercutting, peach pit carving, and silver inlaid painting, all have contributed to establishing the city's leading role in the field of crafts and art. A city with a spirit of tolerance and openness, Weifang values history and tradition but also embraces innovation. The pursuit of excellence in crafts and technology innovation have been at the core of the city's DNA. 38 editions of the International Kite Festival have helped Weifang establish cultural and economic exchanges with 110 countries and regions worldwide. Weifang aims to engage its rich cultural resources to create more jobs and development opportunities for all. Today, over 1,800 companies and family-owned crafts and folk art workshops based in Weifang employ 100,000 people, including 40,000 women and 10,000 from vulnerable groups. In 2020, despite the pandemic, the annual GDP of Weifang’s cultural industries amounted to USD 3.56 billion. Weifang has proven itself a successful example of harmonious development combining rapid economic growth, cultural traditions preservation, and desirable human habitat.

Added Value: 

As a Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art, the following steps will be important:

• Promoting knowledge and conducting industrial development research on crafts and folk art, as well as exploring solutions to employment, social equality and economic development;

• Creating jobs and welfare opportunities for all, notably women, youth, and vulnerable groups;

• Nurturing emerging cultural industries through intersectoral blending between different crafts and folk art and other creative fields;

• Utilizing the city’s various activities and projects, especially the International Kite Festival, as an international exchange and collaboration platform;

• Playing an active role in the Network by collaborating closely with the UCCN Secretariat and fellow cities; and

• Strengthening cultural dialogue and project collaboration with Africa, Latin America and the Arab States region, promoting a more balanced development of the Network.

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