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In the Media

The Digitizing our shared UNESCO history project aims to contribute to UNESCO's visibility online and throughout the world by making more UNESCO Archives content available using technology that supports changing modes of information and resource delivery. UNESCO communication platforms, including UNESCO's official social media channels, will be used to encourage public engagement in the project and the sharing of archival resources and knowledge. 



The UNESCO Archives has, via the digitization project, contributed content to the following publications:


They Did Not Stop at Eboli: UNESCO and the Campaign against Illiteracy in a Reportage by David “Chim” Seymour and Texts by Carlo Levi (1950), G. Hendel, C. Naggar, K. Priem (eds.), UNESCO-De Gruyter, 2019.
ISBN: 978-3-11-065163-8; 
e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-065559-9; e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-065175-1; UNESCO ISBN 978-92-3-000084-4

Digitized album of contact sheets and accompanying text by renowned photographer David “Chim” Seymour, co-founder of Magnum Photos, on the campaign against illiteracy in Southern Italy in 1950. This publication reproduces in full the digitized album, re-discovered, after seventy years, thanks to the preparatory analyses of UNESCO Archives’ audio/visual collections in view of the Digitization Project. The album is presented in the publication by four contextualizing essays.

Further to its digitization, the "Seymour album" became the focus of research by specialists, ensuing in the UNESCO-De Gruyter publication They Did Not Stop at Eboli: UNESCO and the Campaign against Illiteracy in a Reportage by David "Chim" Seymour and Texts by Carlo Levi (1950)

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Title: Transforming lives through education - Transformer la vie grâce à l’éducation

Publisher: UNESCO Publishing, 2018
ISBN: 9230000647, 9789230000646

Digitized photographs from the UNESCO Archives are used throughout this publication.

Title: Long Walk of Peace : Towards a Culture of Prevention
Publisher: UNESCO Publishing, 2018
ISBN: 9789231002700
A digitized photograph from the UNESCO Archives is used on the cover of this publication.

Title: World Heritage Review, January 2019 issue
ISSN: 1020-4202
Six digitized photographs are used in this issue, including the cover photograph. The photographs help illustrate the article found on page 22, entitled "Abu Simbel: The Story of an Extraordinary Rescue". (see blog post)



The UNESCO Archives has, via the digitization project, contributed content to the following events:


Roundtable on "Building Just and Peaceful Societies: UNESCO's contribution to a Culture of Prevention"
Date: 21 September 2018
Location: Paris, France
A slide show of digitized photographs from the UNESCO Archives was presented during this roundtable at UNESCO Headquarters.


FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2018
Date: 9-12 October 2018
Location: Venice, Italy
A slide show of digitized photographs from the UNESCO Archives was presented during the event's keynote speech by the Director of the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe


Annual Meetings of the Section of International Organizations, International Council on Archives (ICA/SIO)
New York (UN-HQ) in 2018
Brussels (NATO) (May 2019)


IASA 2019 - 50th Annual Conference (September 2019)


Study day (Paris, 4 December 2019) - Highlights from the digital collections of the UNESCO Archives and focus on a research and book project carried out collaboratively by the UNESCO Archives and the C²DH.


40th anniversary of Nubia Campaign celebrated in Egypt (Egypt, 16 March 2020)


Web Articles


Social media

Here are just a few examples of social media coverage for the digitization project by UNESCO, the project's partners, and its gracious supporters:

 Support from our friends at Ancient History Encyclopedia:

UNESCO Venice Office

EU Heritage Days on Instagram:

Impressions from visits to the Digitization Lab:

Thanks to all!






Generous support for this project has been provided by the People of Japan


We have partnerships built upon a common vision and common goals