There are an estimated 170,000 photographs in the collection, including prints, negatives and slides. The Digitizing Our Shared UNESCO History project is digitizing an important selection of over 5000 photographs (inc. recto and verso, thus 10,000 images) that demonstrate the wealth and breadth of UNESCO’s activities from 1945 to the present. The project team took three months to select the 5000 photographs from the prints sub-collection using criteria that aimed to achieve a balance of geographical, cultural and chronological diversity and to ensure that all major programme areas were covered.
Please note that the information you see about each photo (i.e., its metadata) is being presented “as is”. It has been extracted from inventories and registers that up until now have existed only on paper. Original photo captions are found on the verso of most photos. The verso can be viewed by clicking on the navigation arrow to the right of the photo view.
We will soon launch a crowdsourcing sub-project with the aim of transcribing the captions, and enriching and standardizing the photo metadata. This will add context to the photos and make searching easier.