There are no vacancies at present.
Call for expressions of interest
Request for quotations (technical and financial proposals) Analysis of primary education syllabi for green content: Closing date: 15 June 2023
We invite your organization to submit a proposal for a global study on climate change education and education for sustainable development (ESD) in primary school syllabi. This study, supervised jointly by the Global Education Monitoring Report, the Section of Education for Sustainable Development at UNESCO, and the International Bureau for Education, aims to examine the extent to which climate change education and ESD are core components of primary school syllabi worldwide.
The GEM Report is seeking to identify qualified candidates interested in joining a roster for potential consultancy appointments for:
- Thematic research (To apply, please visit the UNESCO careers website)
There are currently no vacancies open
Please note we are no longer accepting internship applications until further notice.
See more information about internships at the GEM Report.