
Plan de dépenses

USD 25,415K

Dépenses encourues



Sources de financement et utilisation des fonds

Type de financement Utilisation des fonds Sources de financement Planifiés (en milliers d'USD) Dépenses encourues (en milliers d'USD)
Total 52,518 25,415
Communication and information 2,905 572
Culture 1,903 646
Education 20,588 8,027
Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares
Fundaçao Telefonica
Natural sciences 5,156 1,618
Social and human sciences 8,050 2,299
Culture 3,941 2,388
Fundação Vale de Rio Doce
Vale Cultural Institute
Bougainville Participações e Representações Ltda.
Vale S.A.
Education 1,231 852
Instituto Unibanco
Natural sciences 1,702 382
Andean Development Corporation
Andean Development Corporation
Social and human sciences 2,101 1,975
Instituto Humanize
Brazilian Confederation of Football
Fundação Renova
UNDP Multi Partner Trust Fund
Fundação Renova
Petroleo Brasileiro S.A
Education 152 78
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Social and human sciences 4,461 6,423
TV Globo
Public donations - Criança Esperança
Culture 20 16
Education 267 108
Natural sciences 20 13
Social and human sciences 20 17

Le financement est centré sur

Objectifs de développement durable
Priorités globales et groupes de priorités de l'UNESCO
  • Gender Equality
  • Priority Africa
  • Small Island Developing States
  • Youth

Contribution au cadre de résultats de l'UNESCO 2022-2025

Le plan d'action pour la période entre 2022 et 2025, structuré par des Programmes, des Effets et des Produits.
Effets et Produits Planifiés (en milliers d'USD) Dépenses encourues (en milliers d'USD)
Total 52,518 25,415
Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 19,925 8,009
1.ED4 - Learners are equipped with relevant skills to meet individual, labour market and societal demands through literacy, TVET, STEM and higher education 2,107 458
1.ED6 - Resilience, quality and equity of education systems strengthened to flexibly respond to evolving learning environments and to better deliver on SDG4 commitments 17,818 7,551
Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 2,277 1,042
7.ED3 - Learners are empowered to lead healthy lives, promote sustainable development and engage with the world as creative and responsible global citizens 2,277 1,042
Outcome 8 - Foster knowledge sharing and skills development in the digital age 38 15
8.ED8 - Technologies and digital innovations leveraged to ensure more inclusive, effective and relevant learning 38 15
Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 56 13
1.SHS6 - Member States better positioned to devise solid sport policies that (i) fully leverage the power of sports for development and (ii) attract increasing investments in sport, towards delivering inclusive access to, and fair practice of sport, quality physical education and multi stakeholder anti-doping policies promoting sports values, ethics and integrity 56 13
Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 14,575 10,701
7.SHS1 - Member States capacities strengthened to advance effective policies and practices to achieve inclusive development through the promotion of human rights, scientific freedom, intercultural understanding and by tackling all forms of discrimination and racism 2,254 155
7.SHS2 - Member States capacities strengthened in applying social and human scientific frontier knowledge to devise effective policy solutions to advance an inclusive development agenda with the aim to improve the well-being of people, particularly the most vulnerable, addressing the legacies of the pandemic crisis and face the social impact of climate change 5,101 2,246
7.SHS4 - Member States capacities strengthened to devise and prioritize effective youth policies and interventions that provide youth with opportunities to meaningfully engage in policy-making and to scale up youth-led solutions at global, regional, national and local level 7,220 8,300
Outcome 5 - Enhance the protection and promotion of the diversity of heritage and cultural expressions 5,864 3,051
5.CLT1 - Member States capacities strengthened to identify, protect and manage tangible heritage 731 63
5.CLT2 - Member States capacities strengthened to fight the illicit trafficking of cultural property and promote its return and restitution, to protect underwater cultural heritage and to promote the role of museums for societies 3,833 2,312
5.CLT4 - Member States and communities capacities strengthened to identify, safeguard and promote living heritage 1,172 583
5.CLT5 - Member States and civil society capacities strengthened to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions through dynamic and inclusive cultural and creative industries 2 2
5.CLT6 - Member States capacities strengthened to promote, monitor and measure the contribution of culture to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local, national and regional levels 125 91
Outcome 3 - Enhance knowledge for climate action, biodiversity, water and ocean management, and disaster risk reduction 2,929 1,384
3.SC1 - Inclusive knowledge and capacities of Member States strengthened to advance and apply science for sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and restoration, and disaster risk resilience 2,408 1,144
3.SC2 - Water science, innovation, education, management, cooperation and governance bolstered for a water secure world in a changing environment 522 240
Outcome 4 - Advance international cooperation in science, technology and innovation 3,949 629
4.SC4 - Member States capacities strengthened to improve STI policies, access to scientific and technological advancements and enhance knowledge sharing, including through Open Science 2,932 472
4.SC5 - Institutional and human capacities in basic sciences, technology, research, innovation, and engineering enhanced to advance knowledge for sustainable development 1,018 157
Outcome 8 - Foster knowledge sharing and skills development in the digital age 2,905 572
8.CI4 - Member States are enabled to foster universal access to information and knowledge, including through the Information for All Programme (IFAP), as well as through Open Solutions, and through the identification, preservation and accessibility of documentary heritage 2,905 572


Les projets sont une séquence d'activités budgétisées, quelle que soit la source de financement, qui contribuent aux résultats de l'Organisation et doivent être achevés dans un délai convenu. Les projets peuvent inclure des sous-activités et peuvent être liés à un Programme plus large.
Note: For projects with multiple beneficiaries, the distribution of budget and expenditure figures at the beneficiary level is based on indicative percentages.
N° du projet Intitulé du projet Utilisation des fonds Budget du projet (USD) Dépenses encourues cumulées (USD) Date de début Date de fin État
2210225051 Brazilian capacities and public policies on water, sanitation and adaptation to climate change
20,000 12,803 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
2210415011 Support Brazilian national capacities towards meaningful public policies for human rights, intercultural dialogue and anti-racism
11,383 10,822 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
2210415012 Support Brazilian national capacities towards meaningful public policies for human rights, intercultural dialogue and anti-racism
20,000 16,583 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
2210526031 Museum of History, Anthropology and Culture of the North Coast of São Paulo
563,896 207,767 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
2210556021 Strengthening the Creative Economy and Culture for Sustainable Local Development of Itabira
2,227 1,848 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 Completed
2210566031 Strengthening policies and capacities that contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Brazil through culture
20,000 16,184 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
2210566051 Valuing the Heritage and Strengthening Creative and Cultural Economy for Local Sustainable Development - Itabira (Stage 2)
105,197 74,341 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
257GLO1043.4.1 257GLO1043.4.1 - BRAZIL (UNAIDS Country Envelope 2020-2021)
222,336 201,937 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
257GLO1045.4.1 Brazil - UNAIDS country envelope
72,150 71,849 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
257GLO1046.4.1 Brazil - UNAIDS country envelope 2023
50,374 12,233 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
263BRA3000 Scaling up the Happy Child Programme
321,799 310,605 2020-01-06 2022-03-31 Completed
465BRZ0002 Criança Esperança Programme
5,301,147 5,121,819 2008-07-17 2026-03-31 On-going
465BRZ3007 Criança Esperança Programme Fund - 2008
88,549,346 87,938,037 2008-07-17 2026-03-31 On-going
475RLA1000 Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE) 5,614,655 5,403,197 2009-06-29 2024-12-31 On-going
Argentina 63,342 52,724
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 31,671 26,362
Brazil 63,342 52,724
Chile 31,671 26,362
Colombia 63,342 52,724
Costa Rica 63,342 52,724
Cuba 63,342 52,724
Dominican Republic 63,342 52,724
Ecuador 63,342 52,724
Guatemala 63,342 52,724
Honduras 63,342 52,724
Mexico 42,228 35,150
Nicaragua 63,342 52,724
Panama 63,342 52,724
Peru 63,342 52,724
Paraguay 63,342 52,724
El Salvador 63,342 52,724
Uruguay 63,342 52,724
475RLA1041 Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE): cycle 2022-2026. ERCE 2025. 4,575,000 504,767 2022-01-01 2026-12-31 On-going
Latin America and the Caribbean 534,295 151,430
Argentina 89,049 25,238
Brazil 89,049 25,238
Chile 89,049 25,238
Colombia 89,049 25,238
Costa Rica 89,049 25,238
Dominican Republic 89,049 25,238
Ecuador 89,049 25,238
Guatemala 89,049 25,238
Panama 89,049 25,238
Paraguay 89,049 25,238
Peru 89,049 25,238
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 89,049 25,238
El Salvador 89,049 25,238
Uruguay 89,049 25,238
570BRZ1012 Telefonica
738,698 714,811 2013-07-16 2023-12-31 On-going
570BRZ1014 SESI's schools network consolidation
2,719,019 2,070,943 2018-12-17 2025-11-27 On-going
570BRZ1017 WITH RACISM, THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY 81,952 67,602 2021-11-22 2023-11-22 On-going
Africa 37,573 33,801
Brazil 37,573 33,801
570BRZ1018 YouTube Education platform
395,639 168,728 2021-11-23 2025-05-22 On-going
570BRZ3005 Ethical Connections of the Third Sector - PETROBRAS
1,591,387 1,443,637 2018-05-03 2023-10-31 On-going
570BRZ3006 RENOVA-UNESCO partnership for the local development of the Mariana region
1,957,623 1,854,678 2019-06-28 2023-10-29 On-going
570BRZ3007 Evaluation of the Brazilian Confederation of Football (CBF) social programme
112,616 69,768 2020-05-11 2024-11-20 On-going
570BRZ3008 Early Childhood Comes First
997,126 611,398 2020-08-29 2024-03-31 On-going
570BRZ3010 Understanding the history of Africa
81,372 79,462 2021-02-18 2022-02-17 Completed
570RLA2001 Improving the resilience and halting biodiversity loss of the greater Amazon Basin 5,636,554 1,458,022 2020-10-12 2025-06-03 On-going
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1,343,898 299,265
Brazil 1,343,898 299,265
Ecuador 1,343,898 299,265
Peru 1,343,898 299,265
570RLA3001 UNESCO-Nestlé Alliance - Because Youth Matter - A Pilot in Latin America 490,500 23,013 2023-03-07 2024-09-30 On-going
Latin America and the Caribbean 55,590 3,452
Argentina 18,530 1,151
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 18,530 1,151
Brazil 18,530 1,151
Chile 18,530 1,151
Colombia 18,530 1,151
Costa Rica 18,530 1,151
Ecuador 18,530 1,151
Guatemala 18,530 1,151
Honduras 18,530 1,151
Mexico 18,530 1,151
Nicaragua 18,530 1,151
Panama 18,530 1,151
Peru 18,530 1,151
Paraguay 18,530 1,151
El Salvador 18,530 1,151
Uruguay 18,530 1,151
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 18,530 1,151
570RLA4000 Integrated management and development of technical architecture, museologic and museographic projects and reconstruction actions and interventions for the restoration of the Paço São Cristóvão and annexe building Alípio de Miranda Ribeiro 6,145,443 3,493,120 2020-05-14 2024-05-31 On-going
Latin America and the Caribbean 363,270 233,831
Brazil 3,269,429 2,104,476
729RLA2000 Implementation of the Guarani Aquifer Strategic Action Program (GEF/CAF) 2,000,000 330,270 2023-06-29 2024-06-28 On-going
Argentina 358,353 82,568
Brazil 358,353 82,568
Paraguay 358,353 82,568
Uruguay 358,353 82,568
914BRZ1054 Implementation of innovative technologies for preventive education and digital communication in health for STI/HIV/AIDS prevention in the city of São Paulo
1,794,834 1,779,638 2018-03-05 2023-03-05 Completed
914BRZ1071 Coorporative governance: Improving quality on public education in Brazil as from the revision and re-adequation of management processes at FNDE.
8,035,899 5,912,893 2018-05-04 2024-05-03 On-going
914BRZ1074 Annual SDG 4-Education 2030 agenda workplan (2018-2019-AE), agency execution, with the Ministry of Education
3,434,245 3,430,153 2018-05-30 2022-12-31 Completed
914BRZ1075 Annual SDG 4-Education 2030 agenda workplan (2018-2019-AE), agency execution, with the Ministry of Education - National Museum Rio de Janeiro
1,063,482 1,055,405 2019-01-01 2022-06-30 Completed
914BRZ1076 Strengthening public policies of Leme Municipal Education Secretariat, regarding the pedagogical and administrative actions
356,620 224,055 2019-05-14 2024-04-13 On-going
914BRZ1082 Innovative social technologies for education and health for STI / HIV / AIDS prevention in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
866,655 257,186 2019-12-20 2023-12-19 On-going
197,859 43,189 2020-12-03 2023-12-02 On-going
914BRZ1094 MEC UNESCO_2020/2021
1,843,103 1,278,588 2021-01-18 2022-05-18 Completed
914BRZ1102 Higher Education and the National Education Plan: the commitment to quality and training for work and citizenship
1,977,517 382,798 2020-12-31 2024-12-31 On-going
914BRZ1115 National Development Education Fund Articulated Action Plan
4,264,774 1,035,364 2022-01-14 2025-12-31 On-going
914BRZ1139 SEB
2,245,396 517,291 2012-11-22 2022-09-06 Completed
914BRZ1146 Support to the Ministry of Education and to the Brazilian Enterprise of Hospital Services- EBSERH for Federal University Hospital's capacity building to become excelency centers for the atention, teaching and research in the health area.
812,755 798,293 2014-08-26 2022-02-26 Completed
914BRZ1147 SME-SP
10,262,134 1,839,009 2014-09-11 2024-09-10 On-going
914BRZ1149 FNDE - National Program to Support School Transportation
3,753,222 486,467 2022-01-14 2025-12-31 On-going
914BRZ1150 Support for Strengthening education in Brazil: For an equitable and quality education for all - MOE and UNESCO Coorperation Agreement 2022-2023
2,833,362 1,120,339 2022-10-06 2024-06-30 On-going
914BRZ1151 Digital Education and Combined Prevention Strategies for STI/HIV/AIDS in the City of São Paulo
1,805,685 275,388 2023-02-16 2027-02-16 On-going
914BRZ2005 Modernization of the Brazilian Institute of Science and Technology Information (IBICT)
2,792,097 2,744,071 2015-12-22 2022-12-21 Completed
914BRZ2010 Support for the technical and institutional preparation of ADASA for the 8th World Water Forum
2,196,484 1,395,395 2016-04-19 2024-04-18 On-going
914BRZ2023 Expansion and update of the processes of formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications in Brazil
1,705,108 276,666 2018-06-12 2024-06-11 On-going
914BRZ2024 Development of the technological parks and the innovation ecosystem of Goias, Brazil
1,234,226 295,911 2020-09-15 2025-09-14 On-going
914BRZ2025 Fostering local sustainable development in the economic area of the SUAPE industrial and harbour complex
1,181,175 971,724 2020-12-15 2023-12-14 On-going
914BRZ2026 Improvement of the ANVISA technological capacity as a health regulatory agency
991,164 156,668 2022-03-14 2024-12-31 On-going
914BRZ3010 Strengthening social participation and control mechanisms for Human Rights Public Policies
3,435,432 2,558,170 2012-12-28 2022-12-31 Completed
914BRZ3047 UNESCO-related public policies focused on the rights of eldery people strengthened in Brazil
594,608 96,703 2018-12-17 2024-12-16 On-going
914BRZ3050 Human Rights Education for the City of Sao Paulo
790,021 19,142 2019-12-13 2023-12-12 On-going
914BRZ3051 Social development policies to promote and strengthen citizenship actions n Brazil
2,802,917 271,248 2021-11-09 2024-11-08 On-going
914BRZ3052 Strengthening social development policies in the state of Goias
1,415,886 29,814 2021-11-03 2023-12-31 On-going
914BRZ3053 Support to the implementation of the municipal programme "Pacto da Juventude" for young low-income inhabitants of Rio's favelas
6,124,167 1,875,989 2022-01-14 2025-12-31 On-going
914BRZ4016 Valuing the Cultural Landscape and the National Park of the Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis
856,607 472,755 2014-06-18 2022-06-30 Completed
914BRZ4018 Shared Management of Brazilian Cultural Heritage
1,695,946 1,045,801 2015-11-16 2023-11-15 On-going
914BRZ4019 Safeguard of the Cultural and Linguistic Heritage of indigenous peoples recently contacted and of indigenous peoples living near borders in the Amazon region
2,231,252 1,647,914 2015-12-08 2023-12-03 On-going
914BRZ5015 SMUL - Participatory Urban Planning for the City of São Paulo
1,592,330 1,219,989 2014-10-21 2023-10-21 On-going
914BRZ5016 Open Government: Transparency and Prevention of Corruption
840,499 310,661 2018-12-10 2024-12-09 On-going
914BRZ5017 Innovation and Technology Secretariat of São Paulo - PMSP/SMIT
1,044,813 253,961 2019-05-14 2023-05-13 On-going
914BRZ5019 Public Policies for Telecommunications and Radio Broadcasting in Brazil
3,116,432 124,304 2021-12-22 2025-12-22 On-going