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Youth combat HIV & AIDS, January 2010 [PDF]
Featured projects:
- Project Early - Puppet Television Show, Grenada
- Clipping HIV/AIDS through fil, Tonga
- Public Awareness campaign on HIV and AIDS through sports, Madagascar
Building youth capacity, March-April '08 [PDF 546Kb]
Featured projects:
- HIV/AIDS Capacity Building for Youth, Grenada
- Beautify the Village of Avatele, Niue
- Let’s Fight HIV/AIDS together! Papua New Guinea
Communities in Action, January-February '08 [PDF 560Kb]
Featured projects:
- Photovoice: My Island Through My Eyes, Jamaica
- National Canoe Festival, Tonga
- Tackling Coastal Erosion, Maldives
Environmental education and preserving traditions, September-October '07 [PDF 442Kb]
Featured projects:
- Environmental Awareness raising, Haiti
- Environmental education, Madagascar
- Traditional handicrafts exhibition, Marshall Islands
Projects progress, May-June '07 [PDF 383Kb]
Featured projects:
- Folkways of Bequia, St. Vincent & Grenadines
- HIV/AIDS Awareness Workshop, Mauritius
- Anelcauhat Waste Management YES Project, Vanuatu
A good start 2007, March-April '07 [PDF 504Kb]
Featured projects:
- My Island Home, San Andres
- HIV/AIDS Awareness, Zanzibar
- On the Spot radio show, Tonga
- Camp Sanguine, St. Kitts & Nevis
Ending a successful year, January-February '07 [PDF 413Kb]
Featured projects:
- Kolgpeng fish farm, Papua New Guinea
- Keeping alight the fire-knife dance, Samoa
- Environmental awareness raising, Haiti
Bonjou, Bonzour, Hello, Hola, November-December '06 [PDF 402Kb]
Featured projects:
- Caring for the poor and needy, Samoa
- Raising awareness on HIV/AIDS, St. Lucia
- Helping to create more employment, Seychelles
News from the Islands, September-October '06 [PDF 617Kb]
Featured projects:
- Palé Kwéyòl, Dominica
- Young Leaders for a Sustainable Fiji, Fiji
- Camp Sanguine, St. Kitts & Nevis
Moving ahead, July-August '06 [PDF 476Kb]
Featured projects:
- Beach/Fun Games for Disabled Youths, Mauritius
- Youth Employment and Small Business Development, Antigua & Barbuda
- Dream Cast Drama Awareness Program, Solomon Islands
Greetings from the YV Committee, May-June '06 [PDF 442Kb]
Featured projects:
- Sensitisation and cleanup campaign in Gutter village, Dominica
- Young People against HIV/AIDS, Cape Verde
- Dream Cast Drama awareness program, Solomon Islands