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Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Viet Nam has committed to a range of global conventions to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).
Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Viet Nam has committed to a range of global conventions to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).
Most countries do not know much about the outcomes or impact of activities related to gender based violence. Gender based violence undermines both social and economic development and the individual’s capacity for realising her or his rights and potentials under already strained conditions. Statistical data in the Seychelles points to the growing phenomenon of gender based violence. …
This article aims to explore Grade 11 learners perceptions and experience of the teaching of sexuality education. A total of 270 adolescent boys (n 121) and girls (n 149) from the Heidedal suburb of the greater Mangaung Municipality, South Africa, completed an anonymously written Teaching of Sexuality Education Attitude Scale (TSEAS). The questionnaire was constructed on a six-point Likert scale with response options ranging from 1 (highly disagree) to 6 (highly agree). …
This paper interrogates the influence of a tradition-modernity dichotomy on perspectives and practices on sexual violence and sexual relationships involving girls in three districts of Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique. Through deploying an analytical framework of positioning within multiple discursive sites, the authors argue that although the dichotomy misrepresents the complexity of contemporary communities, it is nonetheless deployed by girls, educational initiatives and researchers in their reflections on girls’ sexual practices and sexual violence. …
In 2015, AIDSFree conducted a review of the PEPFAR Gender-Based Violence Initiative (GBVI) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, and Tanzania. The $55 million, three-year, interagency initiative integrated GBV prevention and response into existing HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs at health facility, community, and policy levels. …
This guide was prepared to enable advocates to use data when advocating for universal access to SRHR at the national, regional and global levels. It is a direct outcome of the Strategic SRHR Indicators workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 21-22 August for the project “Strengthening the Networking, Knowledge Management and Advocacy Capacities of an AsiaPacific Network for SRHR” supported by the EU. …
This study of Adolescent Boys and Young Men highlights the importance of engaging adolescent boys and young men in sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr) and gender equality. Not only is this engagement essential to achieve the full equality of women and girls, it also positively impacts the lives of men and boys themselves. This paper establishes a conceptual framework for engaging adolescent boys and young men. …
This module on sexual and reproductive rights is the third in a series of human rights education resources for young people. It is designed to be used by and with young people and youth activists as they support their peers through individual and collective journeys of reflection, critical analysis and action. This includes having the knowledge and skills to engage in difficult conversations on a taboo subject and to stand up for sexual and reproductive rights.
La sexualité et les relations intimes et affectives forment une découverte et un apprentissage qui, à tous les âges de la vie, mais plus particulièrement chez les jeunes, soulèvent de nombreuses questions et besoins. Compte-tenu des enjeux posés en matière de citoyenneté, d’égalité femmes-hommes et de santé, il est de la responsabilité des pouvoirs publics de répondre à tou.te.s les jeunes par des informations objectives, sans jugement ni stéréotype, et, lorsqu’elles ou ils en expriment le besoin, de leur apporter l’accompagnement nécessaire.
Refiere que la Educación Sexual Integral es un deber de la escuela y un derecho al que todos los y las estudiantes deben tener acceso. Los estudiantes tienen derecho a una Educación Sexual Integral pertinente,
The paper discusses the links between health, well-being, women’s empowerment and education, focusing on the role of literacy. It argues that cross-sectoral approaches involving stakeholder collaboration across these three areas will be essential in realizing Sustainable Development Goal 5: to ‘achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls’.
In Kenya, high poverty, insecurity, poor health outcomes, substance abuse and low levels of education make young people, especially girls, vulnerable to a variety of risks such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Diseases (STDs), and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). …
Girls are vulnerable to HIV in part because the social systems in which they live have failed to protect them. This study evaluates a program aimed at making schools safe for girl learners in order to reduce girls’ vulnerability to HIV in Botswana, Malawi, and Mozambique. In addition to an extensive process evaluation with school personnel program participants, program facilitators, and community members, a cross-sectional post-intervention survey was conducted among adolescent girls in the three countries. The total sample size was 1249 adolescent girls (ages 11–18). …
Between 2011 and 2012, 40.1% of all sexual offences in South Africa involved children under 18. Important scholarship has demonstrated how large-scale social and economic inequalities structure African girls’ risk to and experience of sexual violence leading to a condemnation of violent masculinities and the social processes that produce it. Under conditions of chronic poverty and unstable living conditions, girls’ vulnerability to sexual violence is increased. …