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From early in the epidemic, education has been central to HIV prevention, treatment, and care. This paper reflects on lessons learned over the last 30 years. It signals the limits of high level international commitments to education and HIV and the strategies of information-giving and life skills development adopted in their wake. It argues for the adoption of a more genuinely educational approach to HIV, sex, and sexuality education in which difficult questions are raised, diversity is recognized, and options are provided for a differentiated yet effective response. …
The stakeholders in the National AIDS Committee have all come together with the understanding that a widespread plan for communication is the best way forward for ending AIDS by 2025. The strategy will also help mitigate gaps still prevailing within the current intervention programs, especially in reaching populations around the country with prevention information, sexual health education and sufficient awareness on the basics of HIV/AIDS/STIs along with available services. …
This policy paper was conceived at a joint LSHTM-Sentebale roundtable meeting in July 2017; three young people from Lesotho and Botswana presented their personal experiences and challenges of living with HIV to an audience including Prince Harry, leading HIV researchers, and senior staff from organisations such as UNAIDS, PEPFAR and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. This paper profiles some promising approaches to address challenges and barriers identified by adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV). …
This guide lays out Bangladesh's strategy for social and behavior change communication to help achieve sustainable development goals. The main focus is on the health, population and nutrition sectors for 2016 to 2021.
The study focuses on the management and diffusion of HIV/AIDS information in institutions of higher learning in South Africa. The HIV/AIDS policy for educators, learners and students provided a strong foundation on government involvement on HIV/AIDS management in higher education. Both qualitative and quantitative research design and methodologies were employed largely through survey, observation and document analysis. …
This National HIV and AIDS Communication and Advocacy Strategy (NACAS), seeks to reinforce the efficacy of communication at the different levels of behaviour change, and to increase the proportion of individuals, families, communities and institutions within Zambia utilizing available HIV and AIDS and reproductive health services across the country. Furthermore, it seeks to increase the proportion of national level policy makers and stakeholders knowledgeable of the socio-economic significance of HIV and AIDS. …
The Behaviour Change Communication Guideline has been developed to guide HIV and AIDS stakeholders in addressing behavior change in line with National Multisectoral Strategy Framework (NMSF 2008-2012). This guide builds on achievements made to date in addressing adoption of best behaviours among the public. It provides guidance to various stakeholders regarding the approaches, interventions and activities that will be undertaken to address HIV and AIDS. …
The National Strategy for the Response to the HIV Epidemic offers a five-year framework for development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the national response to the HIV epidemic. The general goal of the Strategy is prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections, and the provision of treatment and support for all Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. The main components of the Strategy are: 1. Prevention of HIV infection in especially vulnerable and other vulnerable population groups of particular interest; 2. …
This communication strategy intends to provide a practical, concise and helpful instrument for formulating effective HIV and AIDS communication interventions in Pakistan. It is not a manual on Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) or Strategic Communication processes and implementation. …
Les objectifs principaux de la présente Stratégie Nationale de Communication se focalisent autour de quatre (4) points: 1. Les autorités politiques, techniques, financières et socioculturelles agissent en faveur de la lutte contre le VIH et le Sida; 2. Les comportements responsables pour réduire la transmission du VIH sont adoptés par la population; 3. La population s’informe et informe sur les modes de transmission du VIH ainsi que sur les comportements à moindre risque à adopter; 4. …
People with disabilities are at increased risk of exposure to HIV, yet they lack access to HIV prevention, treatment care and support including sexuality education. Lack of knowledge, skills and confidence of educators teaching sexuality education to learners with disabilities is related to this increased vulnerability. This study identifies possible challenges educators of learners with disabilities face when teaching sexuality and HIV education. …
This strategy document has eight sections. Section one discusses about the overview of HIV/AIDS and SRH in Ethiopia and in the HEIs; together with the policy environment for education sector activities in the field of HIV/AIDS/STIs/SRH. Section two states the rationale for the communication strategy; while section three provides an overview of environmental scan carried out through SWOT analysis. Section four has details on the major HIV/AIDS and SRH problems, risk factors and underlying causes identified among students of HEIs in the country. …
Le présent document de Stratégie Nationale Multisectorielle de Santé Sexuelle et de la Reproduction des Adolescents et Jeunes y compris le VIH/sida est une initiative du Ministère de la Santé avec l’appui des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF) notamment l’UNFPA, l’OMS, l’UNICEF, ONUSIDA et l’USAID. Il se veut un document d’orientation des interventions et de plaidoyer pour la mobilisation des partenaires sociaux ainsi que des ressources du Gouvernement et des PTF en vue de la mise en oeuvre des principales orientations nationales en SRAJ/VIH/sida. …
Cette stratégie vise à contribuer à l'atteinte du résultat attendu stipulé dans le Plan national stratégique multisectoriel de lutte contre le VIH/Sida et dans son plan de suivi : "Une réduction globale du niveau de transmission du VIH, toutes sources confondues - d'ici 2015". Quatre axes d'intervention ont été retenus: 1. Renforcement de la gouvernance et du leadership; 2. Etablissement de partenariats stratégiques; 3. Renforcement des capacités et de la performance; 4. Amélioration de l'accès et de la qualité des services de prévention.
HIV/AIDS is universally recognized as a threat to development worldwide.Through consultations with stakeholders, NAC undertook to develop a communication strategy as part of national HIV/AIDS advocacy strategy to increase awareness about the evidence-informed linkage between MDG 6 and all other MDGs. The purpose of the Communication strategy is to build up the knowledge of the population regarding the linkages between HIV/AIDS and the MDGs. The strategy draws on the lessons from the twin and parallel work on documenting that linkage from 1990 to 2008.