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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Tanzania third national multi-sectoral strategic framework for HIV and AIDS (2013/14 - 2017/18)

    The Third National Multi-Sectoral Strategic Framework for Mainland Tanzania 2013/14-17/18 (NMSF III) provides a common understanding for all HIV and AIDS stakeholders and reflects current normative guidance in the national response effort. Development of the NMSF III has incorporated the evaluations of the previous NMSF II (2008-2012) and recent epidemiological analyses of HIV in Tanzania. …

  2. HIV Plan 2014-2019

    Since 30 September 2013, Belgium has a HIV Plan providing a commonly agreed framework for action against HIV/AIDS. The purposes of the Plan are: To reduce new cases of HIV infections while promoting the conditions for healthy and responsible sexuality; To encourage access to specialised HIV services and programmes for prevention, screening, care and quality support, within the framework of universal access to healthcare; To reduce all forms of stigma and discrimination, particularly those based on serostatus or health. …

  3. Having sex, becoming somebody: A qualitative study assessing (sexual) identity development of adolescents living with HIV/AIDS

    A growing number of adolescents are living with HIV/AIDS. For their well-being and for prevention, age- and culturally appropriate interventions become increasingly important. This qualitative study was conducted as the first step to develop a sexual and reproductive health (SRH) intervention. The study's objective was to assess the impact of HIV and related contextual conditions on identity formation of adolescents living with HIV/AIDS (ALH) in the domains of physical, cognitive, social, and sexual development. Data were collected using focus group discussions (FGDs). …

  4. La situación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes con VIH en Argentina: Un diagnóstico colectivo del estado de la respuesta en los servicios de salud

    Con el objetivo de mejorar el conocimiento sobre la situación epidemiológica de los niños, niñas y adolescentes con VIH en Argentina y ampliar el saber sobre el estado de la respuesta que se ofrece desde los servicios de salud, la Dirección de SIDA y ETS del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación (DS y ETS) y la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría (SAP) organizaron un encuentro con los referentes de los servicios donde se atiende a la mayor parte de esa población, incluyendo a los principales laboratorios que participan del proceso de diagnóstico pediátrico. …

  5. Addressing the needs of young people living with HIV: A guide for professionals

    Life skills and sexuality education programmes usually only focus on HIV negative young people. And HIV prevention seems to be the main target of many of such programmes. However, HIV positive youth also need our attention and care. Fact is that worldwide 40% of all new HIV infections are among young boys and girls, while every day 2,500 other young people are infected. To address the specific needs of young people living with HIV (YPLHIV), this practical guide has been developed. …

  6. Building Protection and Resilience: Synergies for child protection systems and children affected by HIV and AIDS

    This paper seeks to identify which HIV-specific issues are of relevance to child protection programming, and vice versa. …

  7. Global HIV/AIDS response: epidemic update and health sector progress towards universal access: progress report 2011.

    Ce rapport fait le point sur les avancées réalisées jusqu’à la fin de l’année 2010 en vue d’élargir l’accès aux interventions du secteur de la santé destinées à la prévention, au traitement, aux soins et au soutien dans le domaine du VIH dans les pays à revenu faible ou moyen. Il est le cinquième d’une série de rapports de situation publiés chaque année depuis 2006 par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance (UNICEF) et le Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/sida (ONUSIDA), en collaboration avec des partenaires nationaux et internationaux. Ces rapports font le suivi des éléments clés de la riposte du secteur de la santé à l’épidémie d’infection à VIH. Ce rapport reflète l’engagement des États Membres des Nations Unies, de la société civile et des organismes des Nations Unies de rendre des comptes sur les avancées mondiales de la riposte au VIH en assurant une surveillance continue et la publication régulière de rapports. L’année 2010 était l’échéance fixée en 2005 pour atteindre l’accès universel à la prévention, au traitement, aux soins et au soutien dans le domaine du VIH. Ce rapport constitue un repère important, une occasion de faire le point, d’identifier ce qui a été réalisé et ce qui reste à faire, et de porter un regard constructif sur l’avenir de la riposte à un moment particulièrement crucial de son action vis-à-vis de l’épidémie d’infection à VIH.

  8. Silenced and forgotten: HIV and AIDS agenda setting paper for women living with HIV, sex workers and LGBT individuals in southern African and Indian Ocean states

    The impact of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is felt hardest by the individuals who are infected or affected by the disease, and in particular by individuals who are especially vulnerable to HIV infection due to stigma and discrimination, poverty, a lack of access to education, health and other services that promote HIV awareness. However, the impact of HIV and AIDS goes beyond the individual or household level – it affects nations as a whole. …

  9. Plan multisectoriel 2008-2013 de prévention contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST

    Le PMT5 s’articule autour de cinq axes stratégiques : La prévention de la transmission du VIH/SIDA; Le contrôle des Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles (IST); La prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA; La surveillance épidémiologique; La coordination multisectorielle.

  10. Lei nº 5/2002 de 5 de Fevereiro

    A presente Lei estabelece os princípios gerais visando garantir que todos os trabalhadores e candidatos a emprego não sejam discriminados nos locais de trabalho ou quando se candidatam a emprego, por serem suspeitos ou portadores do HIV/SIDA. A presente Lei aplica-se, sem qualquer discriminação, a todos os trabalhadores e candidatos a emprego, na Administração Pública e outros sectores públicos ou privados, incluindo os trabalhadores domésticos.

  11. Kiribati STI and HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2005-2008

    The Kiribati STI and HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2005 – 2008 is an update of the Kiribati STI and HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2000 and addresses the prevention, treatment, care and support needs of I-Kiribati for the period 2005 to 2008. Changes have been made to correspond to the present situation, and to create multi-sectoral responses to HIV that focus on the following priority areas: treatment, care and support; prevention of transmission, coordination of national response. …

  12. Recomendações para a atenção integral a adolescentes e jovens vivendo com HIV/Aids

    A epidemia de aids entre adolescentes e jovens, ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, mantém-se como um desafio para os profissionais de saúde, tanto no campo da prevençăo de novos casos, como no campo do tratamento, especialmente em funçăo da tendęncia ao aumento da prevalęncia da infecçăo pelo HIV na populaçăo jovem. …

  13. Legal protections against HIV-related human rights violations: Experiences and lessons learned from national HIV laws in Asia and the Pacific

    This report is a direct follow-up to Global Commission on HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights and Health (July 2012) and the Asia-Pacific Regional Dialogue of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law convened in Bangkok in February 2011. This study identifies the laws that states of Asia and the Pacific have put in place to provide legal protections against HIV-related human rights violations and the lessons learned from implementation and enforcement. …

  14. Teen talk : a guide for positive living

    This question and answer guide for HIV-positive adolescents covers a variety of topics, including ARVs, adherence, friendship, nutrition, exercise, reproductive health, positive prevention, multiple concurrent partnerships, safe male circumcision, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, emotions, and disclosure.

  15. GIYPA Roadmap: Supporting young people living with HIV to be meaningfully involved in the HIV response

    Each chapter in this roadmap outlines one of the five steps towards GIYPA (greater involvement of young people living with HIV): 1. Understanding what is meant by 'the HIV response'; 2. Finding good reasons to become involved; 3. Linking you and organisations together; 4. Sustaining and growing your involvement; 5. Seeing Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention in action


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Providing a comprehensive knowledge base and information exchange service to support the development of effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education policies, programmes and advocacy within the education sector.