
قمت بحظر @Education2030UN

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  1. تغريدة مُثبَّتة
    ١٨ فبراير ٢٠١٧

    is ab providing women & men w/ skills for lives of dignity & peace & to participate fully in society

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  2. ٢٨ أغسطس

    Global Alliance to Monitor Learning met in Armenia 27-28 August 2019 - What was discussed? What was reviewed?

    learning outcomes c UNESCO
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  3. ٢٨ أغسطس
    learning outcomes c UNESCO
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  4. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٥ أغسطس

    Greater investment is needed to achieve the education goal and monitor countries’ progress towards

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  5. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٥ أغسطس

    A policy should include recommendations/requirements for the profile, qualifications, selection, initial training, induction and prof. development of teacher educators

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  6. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٦ يوليو

    First ever projections by and show the world is off track in achieving . We need rapid acceleration – it’s time to

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  7. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٦ يوليو

    Alternatives to meet shortages also lie in adopting a comprehensive teacher recruitment and deployment strategy, factoring in quantitative needs, qualitative concerns and current and future needs in the deployment of teachers.

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  8. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٧ يوليو

    calls on us to develop holistic and integrated responses to the many social, economic and environmental challenges we face

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  9. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٦ يوليو

    The weakest synergies between countries’ plans and their education commitments are seen in the lack of cross-sectoral collaboration

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  10. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٢ يوليو

    Join the call for to help get all girls everywhere in school and learning by 2030

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  11. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٢ يوليو

    I am deeply honoured to be elected as ⁦⁩ General Secretary and put my feelings into this blog. 🙏 ✊

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  12. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٤ يوليو

    Adoption of EI/UNESCO global framework of professional standards is means for teachers to assert professionalism and combat privatization and standardization that undermines the profession teacher autonomy and academic freedom

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  13. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٤ يوليو

    Susan Barrow - calls on EI members to continue their activism in solidarity for the future of humanity

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  14. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٤ يوليو

    In confronting technology we should not aim at doing repetitive tasks that AI and technology can do better but should aim at being better humans and this is where teachers are vital and why technology cannot replace teachers

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  15. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٤ يوليو

    Technology in education is supposed to assist teachers and not replace them and therefore teachers must take the lead on how we deploy and use technology in education

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  16. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٩ يوليو

    Rasheda Choudhury, (ASPBAE member, Bangladesh), addressed a session at the on local to global implementation. The session 'Quality : Local Actions, Global Commitments' was held on 17 Jul at the in New York.

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  17. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ يوليو

    “The evidence is clear: Development is not sustainable if it is not fair and inclusive – and rising inequality hinders long-term growth.” Addressing world ministers at , & others call for action on the 👇

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  18. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ يوليو
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  19. ١٦ يوليو

    Unite to protect education from attack and to end school violence and bullying by 2030 -

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  20. ١٦ يوليو

    We share conviction that transformative education is most important tool to address root causes of hate speech and to prevent atrocity crimes with UN Special Advisor on prevention of Adama Dieng

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  21. ١٦ يوليو

    at ministerial segment opening puts 'inclusion imperative' at the center of and calls for "massive investment in quality education rooted in learning how to learn across span of a lifetime"

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يبدو أن التحميل يستغرق بعض الوقت.

ربّما يعاني تويتر من الحمل الزائد أو يواجه عطلًا مؤقّتًا. حاول مجدّدًا أو تفقّد حالة تويتر لمزيد من المعلومات.

    قد يعجبك أيضًا
