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The School Health Management Framework for the Ministry of Educations, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education (MOGE) aim at providing guidance to managers at all levels - national, provincial, district, zone, and school to effectively manage the education sector School Health and Nutrition (SHN) programme. …
The NCHADS’ Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS and STI Prevention and Care 2008-2010 is based upon a series of goals and objectives, and the core operational strategies by which these objectives will be met; and is structured around ten programme elements under which activities are planned and budgeted in NCHADS and provinces. For each programme area there are also a set of output and outcome indicators, for which targets for the Plan are set, and by which NCHADS will monitor and assess progress in the implementation of the plan; this is described in the final section of the Plan.
Le résumé de l’analyse de la réponse effectuée par cette revue est organisé selon 4 objectifs du plan : 1) Réduire la transmission des IST/VIH, 2) Améliorer la prise en charge, 3) Réduire les déterminants de la vulnérabilité et la précarité des PVVIH et leur famille, 4) Renforcer le suivi et évaluation de la réponse nationale, de la coordination, la gestion et le suivi.
This compendium has profiled and analysed 11 case studies on integrated service delivery in the context of EMTCT from 9 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. All of the examples demonstrate a general trend towards the implementation of integrated service delivery models supported by policy frameworks adopted in country and by service organizations at the facility level. These promising practices are by no means exhaustive or geographically representative. They do, however, contain valuable and practical vignettes of integrated service delivery in countries with generalized HIV epidemics. …
The right of access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is grounded in fundamental human rights and is a means to empower young people to protect their health, well-being and dignity. This Operational Guidance sets out UNFPA’s framework for CSE, which is one of five prongs to UNFPA’s Adolescent and Youth Strategy. …
The framework provides the following: Establishes one integrated and functional SGBV multi-sectoral monitoring and evaluation system; Monitoring and evaluation of national efforts in the prevention of and response to SGBV; Contributes to evidence-informed funding, advocacy, decision making and programming. …
For the past 22 years, SIECUS has tracked sexuality education controversies in the United States. In this controversy report, covering the 2014–2015 school year, we highlight trends in sexuality education controversies including the impact that social and digital media are having in the field of sexuality education, allowing for new and alternative forms of sexuality education that is accessible to students, whether through a YouTube video, a smartphone app, or a website.
The goal of this M&E; plan is to guide and coordinate the effective collection, analysis, aggregation and use of data for the assessment of progress trends in the national response to HIV/AIDS and for enhanced decision making process.
Objective: Just as HIV prevention programs need to be tailored to the local epidemic, so should evaluations be country-owned and country-led to ensure use of those results in decision making and policy. The objective of this paper is to describe the process undertaken in Ghana to develop a national evaluation plan for the Ghana national strategy for key populations. Methods: This was a participatory process that involved meetings between the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC), other partners in Ghana working to prevent HIV among key populations, and MEASURE Evaluation. …
The Higher Education Institutions’ Partnership Sub-Forum against HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia (HEI-PSFAHA) has prepared a strategic plan (SPM-I) to provide guidance for the planning and implementation of institution level HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) interventions. Realizing the goals and objectives of SPM-I and at the same time demonstrating achievements to relevant stakeholders require an appropriate technical design and strong implementation capacity for HEI level Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME). …
With the national and global momentum to scale up responses to HIV and AIDS, it is becoming increasingly important for HEAIDS as the entity mandated with coordinating the higher education sector response to accurately and timeously report comparable data to national stakeholders, development partners, and communities. Such information is useful to understand the scale and outcome of implementation and may be used to enhance and scale up HIV programmes across all HEIs. …
The purpose of the Indicator handbook present an explicit explanation to all HIV/AIDS M&E; practitioners regarding how the M&E; system for HIV/AIDS in Uganda works. In addition, this NSP Indicator Handbook provides a comprehensive listing of indicators for the national HIV/AIDS response as well as their definitions to ensure consistency in measuring and reporting against the indicators. The specific objectives of this Handbook are to: i) Provide a compilation of the National HIV/AIDS NSP indicators in a single volume. …
The National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2015/2016 – 2019/2020 (NSP) was developed to guide implementation of the multi-sectoral response. It provides strategic actions aimed to address the gaps and challenges identified in the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2011/2012—2014/2015. The purpose of this NPAP is aimed to serve the following: 1. …
The goal of the national HIV and AIDS monitoring and evaluation plan is to ensure a coordinated and effective strategic information management system for use in improving the national HIV and AIDS response. The specific objectives of the National HIV and AIDS M&E; Plan are: i) To strengthen the national mechanisms for generating comprehensive, quality and timely HIV and AIDS information for monitoring and evaluating the NSP 2014/15-2019/20; ii) To promote information sharing and utilization among producers and users of HIV and AIDS data/information in Uganda, at all levels.
The Vision of this NSP is “A Healthy and Productive Population free of HIV and AIDS and its effects” while the Goal is “Towards Zero new infections, Zero HIV and AIDS related mortality and morbidity and Zero discrimination”. To attain the goal of this NSP, it will be implemented under four thematic areas, namely, (i) Prevention, (ii) Care and Treatment, (iii) Social Support and Protection, and (iv) Systems Strengthening. The thematic area of Systems Strengthening includes governance, infrastructure, human resource, financing/resource mobilization, monitoring, evaluation and research..