8.00 - 9.00
Important note:
- Registration of participants will be held at Ashok Hotel, Samrat Hotel and Janpath Hotel on 23 November 2014 and at Vigyan Bhawan on 24 November 2014 from 8:00 a.m.
- Please kindly bring with you the printed and serial-numbered invitation card to the opening ceremony, along with a photo-ID.
- Please kindly be seated by 9:00 a.m.
9.30 - 10.30
Moderator: Mr Indrajit Banerjee, Director, Knowledge Societies Division, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO
Note: Interpretation in Sign language and Hindi
11.00 - 11.40
11.40 - 13.30
The High Level Panel participants will reflect on the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in accessing information and knowledge, using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Drawing on experience gained in implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Millennium Development Goals and Post 2015 Development Agenda, the speakers will also discuss how the IT industry can contribute to the inclusion of persons with disabilities and how current ICT solutions can be incorporated into the development process of accessible products, services and content.
13.30 - 14.30
14.30 - 16.00
The session is organized by the UN system of organizations and UN Country Team in India.
The session will allow the UN entities to focus on mainstreaming disability issues in development processes within the Indian and South Asian sub-region, and contribute to the on-going preparatory process toward the Post-2015 agenda.
The session is organized by UNESCO and the Digital Empowerment Foundation (India)
The session will showcase best practices in inclusive ICTs and ATs for persons with disabilities. Creators of inclusive ICTs and ATs will demonstrate technological solutions for the inclusion of people with disabilities.
The session is organized by UNESCO, UNICEF and other partner organizations
The session will focus on the reasonable accommodation of the educational needs of students with disabilities, using information and communication technologies (ICTs). Special attention will be placed on capacity building for teachers and support staff.
16.30 - 18.00
Note: A preview committee will select the short films and documentaries to be screened in the context of the international conference from entries received by 31 October 2014. For the 12th edition of the We Care Film Festival, entries can be submitted until 12 December 2014.